Tommorow is our ONE MONTH anniversary. *giggles* Can ya believe it? I - we - will have been married for a month. *grins* That rocks in so many different ways I can't even BEGIN to explain it. Everyone keeps asking me 'So, how's married life??' and the FIRST response that come into my head is 'Well, if we hadn't been shacking up already it might be a bigger difference - but as it's pretty much the same.' *grins* but I mange to condense that smart assedness into a quick shrug and a muttered 'Bout the same....'
The differences I have noticed aren't really things that I was expecting - things that I never thought I would consider doing. For instnace, looking back on it, I'm not sure what kinda smoke I was inhaling while I was arguing that we should have separate bank accounts. If he gives me HALF a chance, I'm going to start paying all his bills for him, and we might as well kitty our money as we're GOING to spend it, one way or another. Of course, I can imangine all sorts of screaming matches over who spent what and dear god why (mainly from me to C, as he is the money dunce) but - *grins* it still makes more sense. I even offered to let me drive MY car. Every day. for an 80 mile roundtrip drive to work and back - since his car is a wee bit under the weather. *grins* I'm not sure who was more suprised - me for considering it, or him for hearing me offer it. So - the whole married life thing is cool - I really FEEL like we are partners now - more than I ever did before...and that feeling akes me feel even better about waiting for kids. I want us to be a rock solid unit before we bring another entity into our lives. I want us to always have that special - connection - to each other that was there before the kids - will sustain us and keep us together through the kids, and then that will let us glide into our older years together without the kids. We - me & c - will always be the base of the family - and I want that base to be rock solid.
What else? C starts his new job today! YAAAYY!!! BOOOO!!!! I'm happy about it - more money, more quiet time for me in the house, a job that he's thriled about, but I'm sad too because I REALLY enjoyed our last month together - to have him home and awake every night when I got in - it was SO wonderful. To actually have time to intereact with each other while we are both FULLY awake EVERY night of the week is a treat that I don't think we've ever had consistently - and definitely never this long - and the fact that we weren't worried about money made it so much easier too. So - I'm going to miss him. I'm certainly not going to be able to stay awake late enough every night to do anything more than smile sleepily at him and get a kiss before I'm off to bed. *sigh* Well, at least we'll always have Sundays.
Still working on the book with X. *sigh* I soooo do want to strangle the boy sometimes. I'll give it to him, he's a greater writer, and has a deeper connection to the arts than I do. I, however, know more off the top of my head about how to set up a REALISTIC fantasy/sci-fi world than he could learn in a month of watching Sci-Fi Channel - and he's being very snide about the fact. *shrugs* I've forced him to back up, and for us to create the world first, before we create the characters that are going to inhabit the world - which is s tep he's never one as he normally writes in the 'real' world - whereas I NEVER write in the real world. This is truly going to be an exercise in communication.
I think that's all for right now.