If I'm not pregnant, I will have a very hard time believing anything my body has to say about stuff from now on. Shall I run through the - oddities? I'm not even going to call them symptoms, as it could be just some WILD ass PMS. I will note - the boobs started RIGHT after 2DPO, where the second dip was. We covered our bases (and covered them WELL) both dips, so - we shall see.
1) Green veins on upper chest & breasts
2) Constipation
3) Brainfog
4) Exhaustion
5) Mild Nausea (very mild - it comes and goes)
6) Puffy Vaginal Walls (this one is from today - I went to check my CM/CP, and everything was puffy and engorged and soft and - interesting. My labia were the same way, and I'm soooo not aroused at work!)
7) Mild backache/cramps/twinges in my lower back and lower front
8) Bloating (oh god, the bloating. I've NEVER bloated for PMS - and I feel all puffy and airy)
9) Skin Issues - oh MAN - my skin! It's flaking and peeling and breaking out and generally acting the ass. I need a good salt scrub.
Hrrrm. Okay. I think that's about it as far as the ghost symptoms. Did I mention the sleepiness? Holy freaking Moley, I sleep like the DOOMED, and I would be very happy to just sleep for a few days straight.
Also - and I don't think that this has anything thing to do with anything, but I'm just noting it - for the last few (four? five?) days, I've been waking up at 4:40 almost ON.THE.DOT - I'm not sure why - I had been thinking it was C stirring, but last night he was out of town and I still woke up - though, I did go back to sleep much easier.
The hunger is also interesting. All week at work, I've been getting hungry at 11ish or so, and it's a steady, stubborn, doesn't go away until 12:30ish hunger. And then I eat lunch, and I'm hungry AGAIN around 2:30 - it feels like my metabolism has ramped up again, and well, there is no reason why. And I'm not craving salty/sweet stuff like I usually do - I'm just sleepy - um, I mean, hungry.
And did I mention the random thought that I had that I might have twins? Those two dips - I swear, it was me releasing two eggs. I felt something that MIGHT have been mittlesmertz twice too - about a day apart. It would also explain the heightened symptoms, if I have two blastocytes pumping the good juice out. Anyhow, all that was leading up to me talking about testing. I'm not SUPPOSED to test until the 24th - CD51, 18DPO. I'm going to try REALLY hard to hold out til then, because I kinda don't WANT to know, one way or another, before DotM. I want to have fun and be lighthearted and freefooted - I don't want to be sad about NOT being pregnant (and knowing damn well it's too early) or giddy about BEING pregnant - and thus utterly distracted from everything else. DotM is a good reason to be in limbo.
I think I will give C all of the sticks, and tell him to not give them back to me until I get back from DotM. :lmao *sigh*
I'm so sad.
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