Friday, August 18, 2000


8/16/00 (in the doctor’s office) 1:02 pm

The urge was great for me to break my self imposed ban & call him. After my mother he was the next person I wanted to share the simple glee of being in a new place with, and for no other reason than he was & still is a good friend. I have started to miss talking to him, and with a mere 9 days left, I suppose that is a good thing. I still hold the faint hope that at some point in the distant future we might have something worthwhile, but that hope is a rarely considered thing because I am so fully aware of the pitfalls and the travails that will have to be overcome before such a thing can be.

I must remember that the phone is a powerful thing, and the connection reaches both ways. Somethings are too precious to be ignored, and others have to be ignored to grow.

Hm. I think that I will get some plants to take advantage of the lovely windows sills I have.

Maybe I need therapy. Is it okay to go to therapy not because you have a particular problem/issue, but just to talk? I wonder if therapists ever feel like whores, being paid to do something (listen) that in a better world would be free. hm.

Stay Jazzed.

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