Thursday, February 21, 2008

I feel like shit, and I don't know why (and that about sums up my mood).

I'm tired - oh, by the gods, how tired I am, all the time. Getting out of bed is almost tear inducing - and I'm sure my weekend shift to an almost totally nocturnal schedule does NOT bloody help - but it seems to be the only thing that allows me to feel rested.

Work is - pissing me off. No, it's not. It's stressing me out, but it's not, either. It's - it's - I don't know. I don't have words for what it's doing, because I don't think it's doing anything different, and I don't have words for how it's making me feel, because I don't have any but sad. Pointless. Pressed thin and blown away. Not really emotions, but that's how I feel.

So, I sit in my corner, and bury my head (and my ears) and plod through the days....and plodding not always a bad thing, I'm just - I'm just tired of feeling like an old mule.

I don't know. Is it the end of winter blues? Is it PMS? (Hey, I'm on CD26 - miracles could be possible!). I don't know. And I can't explain it to C, which makes me even GRUMPIER, as gods but we feed off of each others emotions.


Stupid meeting.

Maybe more later.

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