Thursday, March 18, 2004


*deep breath*

I won't get stressed. I won't. But!

  1. I'm almost positive that my beloved maid of honor has been dragging her fucking feet on getting the flowers arranged. If that's the case - it's not that I would be upset - but if I get there and this shit is sprung on me - THEN, I'll get upset.

  2. The chick who owns the art gallery that I would like the ceremony to be held at is TRIPPING. First - she has questions/issues - and in stead of calling ME - she proceeds to talk to a friend of my mothers, who then talks to my mother, who thn talks to me - the fuck? *sigh* She's now talking about (supposedly) upping the price ANOTHER 50 bucks (so we've gone from 100 to 350) and - she says that she wants/needs a deposit for the chairs (which were ALWAYS included in the price) and that we never set a firm date. THE FUCK? The date's ALWAYS been the same - she never asked for any money early - and gotdamn it why coud she call ME with this stuff instead of this bullshitly beating around the bush stuff? *deeeep breath*

So. Yes. That's been today. Ten days left. And nope - I won't be stressed. Either the flowers are there - or I'm empty handed. Either the place has chairs - or everyone has to stand. All that matters is that I'll be marrying my boo-boo. Screw the trappings. I have to talk to the officiant this weekend. *sigh* Soooo not looking forward to this conversation. I need an actor - someone who will say his/her lines, then sittdown and shaddup.

I feel MUCH better than I did yesterday - I think I was jsut TIRED. I went home, and crashed for about 4 hours, then woke up, stayed up till C got home and chatted with him (his job has more damn DRAMA than a soap opera! *shakes head* He want's to quit, (over some male pride bullshit) and I'm telling him that he can't afford to quit - so we'll see how that goes) and finally crashed back out around midnight. I feel - almost floaty today. I think I might make it here til 4 at the earliest - if I wasn't so BORED it would be much better - but this is one of our wiat periods in the hurry up and wait life cycle of this project. I could work on my website - but ehhhh. I haven't got THAT much energy.

I'm conisously trying to gain a LITTLE weight - my dress is the TINIEST bit too big, and I think that 190 should be a good place to hold my self at until after the shindig. I plan on selling the dress ASAP - as even if I was to get married again, I'm not wearing the same bloody dress, and my daughter can damn well pick out her own - no biters here.


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