Wednesday, February 11, 2004


Drove past a BP today, noticed they have solar panels on top of their roof. Wondered how much it would cost to install solar panels on the roof of a house, and how much savings (monetary and evironmental) it would provide. *sigh* I want to buy a house.


But beyond that - before that I should say - I want to get married.  I don't know why, or what - but - I wanna be married to him.  Hm. That didn't come out quite right. I don't know why I have this sudden (okay - building for months) sense of urgency. I know know what's prompting this - need. It feels like a need. Like more than just being with him and married in all but name - I want the name. But - at the same time - it doesn't really matter to me - which is where the confusion is coming in. I think - just maybe - I want to get married, but I don't necessarily WANT to have a wedding. I think that might be what's causing me to drag my feet. I never really wanted a wedding. I just wanna get married, witnessed by the people I love. That's really it. I don't need a cake, a DJ, a big reception - though I'm such a clothes whore that I WILLL have the dress - or any of that jazz. I don't really NEED a maid of honor or man of honor or flowerkid. All I need is my mother, my grandmother, my brothers and my sister - and maybe my uncle. oh - and C. of course! And warm weather. And that's IT. Finito. Sum total. A resturant where we can all go out to eat after the 15 minute ceremony, and someplace where the young'uns can boogie after eating.


Dammit. We REALLY need to go to Vegas.



In other news - the ring is in process. I had to break down and get a new head (dammit!!) because no one was willing to risk the corners of the princess - of course, that also means that I might not have it in time to take it with me to Geneva. *sigh*  Ah well - I tried, yes? 


I didn't wash a scrap of clothing - I finagled it so that I could avoid the process until Friday. That required me going commando today - as there is just something super icky about being commado in jeans, while going commando in slacks just avoids the deadly VPL. So - maybe too much info?

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