Friday, January 30, 2004

Giving, Cooking, Moving.

So... I told C. that I'm going to Geneva this morning. He had a few vulgar words to say about EL's timing, and their raw power over their employees, but then he got over it pretty that's a relief. He did however say that he would have to give me my V'Day gift early (!!) so that I could take it with me. Eep! That means I need to get on the ball to figure out what the heck I'm going to give him. I'm thinking I might go with the naughty picture book that I was going to give him at Christmas but put on hold. :) I think that V'Day is a very appropiate time of year for that kinda gift, eh?


I already know what he's getting for his birthday - the Kid Buu Saga. *sigh* That man and DBZ, I swear it's scary sometimes. *grins* But what is he going to get me, that's the question?? I should take a picture of my birthday gift - it was late (per usual) but it's still lovely. It's one of those picture within a crystal thingies - the picture is of a bunch of roses with "I Love You"  underneath of them. He reasoning? He always gives me roses, but they die so quickly - so he wanted to give me flowers that would never die, like our love. *sniffsniif* I'm not a weeper, but I did almost tear up over that one. *siiigh*



I already know that I have to go out tommorow - two of my coworkers recently moved, and I've begged for some boxes fro them. They both live on the other side of town, and I'm going there tommorow to pick up the boxes. It's going to be a real adventure fitting all of them into my car....but I figure I'll save myself both a headache and a pretty penny when it comes time for us to move. If we move at all.... I've realized that if things work out they way I am hoping that they do, we'll be moving in early 2005 - hopefully out of In. alltogether. If that happens - does it really make sense to move to a DIFFERENT apartment for a mere 6-9 months? But then of course, the question is - am I willing to live in this apartment for any longer than I have to? </P>

*sigh* </P>

In other sorta moving related news, C. is once again on the job hunt. He still has a job, but he's looking for something more suitable for his experience. He had an interview last week, and then went and cooked for them this week, and it looks really good. He would be&nbsp; the Exec for a very nice bistro on the northside, and *sigh* it would be a GREAT job. He's also gotten several potential customers for his personal chef business that he is trying to start up. I'm excited for him, and intensely nervous all at once. If he get's this Exec job - he does NOT need to leave the area. And.. *sigh* I don't NEED to leave the area either, but - oh how badly I want to. How hard I am working to position myself so that I can. But - quite simply, I'm not willing to leave him. Period. And that - that scares the living dillylights out of me. What if it comes to a choice between his job and mine? Esp. considering that he job - his career - is what he plans on doing for now &amp; forever, whereas I'm angling to get OUT of doing what I'm doing ASAP. *sigh* And moving out of IN (almost no matter where) would position me closer to doing what I want/need to do. So. yeah. *sigh* It's all jsut up in the air right now, because he doesn't have the job... but - if he get's it. *sigh*&nbsp; I've mentioned this to him in a lighthearted way in passing, but... *sigh* I don't know what to think/feel right now.

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