Wednesday, May 19, 2004


So - I have a confession to make. I can be a bit of a crotchety old lady sometimes - esp. when it comes to changing something that I LIKE and didn't really plan on my cell phone. Yesterday, Ol' Crotchety (OC) was out in fulllllll effect.

C. has - suckass credit. I knew it before I married him (and it's actually milllioonnnsss of times better than it was when we first met), and I knew it would cause issues - but the lack of a PHONE was really blowing my mind. We don't have a landline as I was getting tired of being bent over by Ameritech. So - I had my lovely little Nokia, and he had a prepaid. *sighsighsigh* With all the work he has to do for the restaurant, and just his general business stuff - that phone was getting outlandishly expensive. So - we looked into a couple of plans, and figured that we could go with the Family Talk plan. I reallly do like cingular - they are head and shoulders above punkass AT&T, and Sprint *shakes head* I was in DC and couldn't hold a singal. DC! The nations CAPITAL! *shakes head* But - anyhow.... we go, and I find out (much to my horror) that I have to get a NEW cell phone. I like my celly. I have areally cute blue boxy cover on it, and it's just the right size, and - stuff. Add to that the fact that I'm cheap, Cheap, CHEAP - and well, you have the perfect environment for OC to come out of hiding.

I wandered around the store, moaning and groaning about the fact that I had to get a new phone and how all the phones were ugly and how I didn't wanna pay that much for a damn phone anyway and.... well, you get the idea. C was trying to top me by commenting on the fact that he had to get a new phone NUMBER - but well, OC is hard of hearing too. So - finally I settle on a siemens s56 phone - largely because it's a cute little bugger (LITTLE - I could tuck it in my bra and you'd have to be REALLLL close to notice - and while they are roomy - DAMN!) and secondly because it was only 40 bucks (after 50 buck mail in rebate). So - I'm whining the whhhooollleeee time - till I get home and started playing with it.

Ah! Ahhhhh! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!! This phone SOOOOO rocks. I mean - it rocks in ways I didn't even KNOW a phone could rock. I've got internet access, a shit load of memory, a COLOR screen, a voice recorder, and I can play all kinds of tunes for ringtones, and downloadable games and ahhhhhhhhhhhh............... it's SO fraking coool. It's kewl, even. I haven't been this distracted by a techy toy since I got my palm pilot. *sigh* It's a lovely little piece of machinery, it is. My only complaint is that the selection buttons are pointy, so while I'm reteaching myself to text (or SMS as they call it since it's an American version of a European phone - the s55) my thumb is gonna be sore. But seriously.... it rocks.

*shakes head* I don't believe I just wrote an entire entry about a phone. If it wasn't for my general supersition about wishing for excitement, I would wish for just a little excitement in my life. But - everytime I even think about it, I remember that old Chinese curse:

May you live in interesting times.

Really... no thanks.

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