Thursday, October 4, 2007

Shit and Shinola, goodness gracious me.....

I've been dragging my feet for almost a year, getting to here.

I've got two livejournals, an opendiary, a yahoo 360, a hair journal, and I'm sure at least one or two other blogs/journals/online writing spaces that I'm spacing out on.

Why? Because - for some idiotic reason (okay, not so idiotic - I'm scurred) I decided to 'isolate' parts of myself from other parts. I almost want to blame it on a lack of tags at my main journal spot (OD), but really, that's not totally true.

A lot of places, I feel like - well, I shouldn't write about THIS here, because they aren't interested in that, or if I write about THAT there, it might totally change peoples view of me.

And ya know what? I was right. People weren't interested, and it would have warped peoples view of me, but ya also know what? That should have been done - because I'm writing - or at least I was writing - for ME. Not for those who read me, not for those who friended me, not for those who note me.

To limit myself because they MIGHT not understand - well fuck, I'm shortchanging both them AND me.

But - could never quite put my finger on HOW to break out of the boxes I had created for myself - how to start anew in an old place, without driving MYSELF crazy.

I signed up to Vox yesterday, just so that I could leave a friend a comment, and it hit me - go someplace NEW. Go someplace customizable. Go someplace where I might not HAVE any readers, and work from there.


Here I am.

I think - I want to bring together all of my old posts that are scattered all over EVERYWHERE, and put them here. I think BS lets you backdate things.


Hi, ya'll.

1 comment:

Yours Truly said...

Youre right in that you shouldnt have to divide yourself.. but at the same time it's nice. There are a lot of different aspects about me that I like to address alone, just as they are. The horse loving part of me, the anxious part of me, the baby part of me. I just picked up a beautiful sewn leather journal to start writing in for myself.. and I don't, I just dont. I dont know why.

And I like comments. Just for the sheer comeraderie of it, and validating me when deep down I really do need to be validated.

RYC: Yes I am going to smudge the living hell out of it (literally?) if they ever finish the damn thing.

Do you mind if I add you to my ickle blogrolly thing?