Wednesday, November 17, 2004


And after all that whinging I did yesterday, what time did I end up going to bed? A little after midnight of course - but by that time, I was actually awake soo....whatever.

I GOT my harddrive! And....*sniff* my computer is ALIVE again. Now, I just need to find someone who can collect whatever is left off of the old hard drive - and I suspect that the battery might be the culprit, because when I have it in, the computer won't even turn YAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also - workertype people are coming to our house today to vent the dryer (though the moisture it was adding to the air really was lovely),  so that I can start it running and leave the house and not worry about burning it down.  We still haven't installed the waterbed (no hose) but... that's coming along nicely.  Our next goal is bookcases, and getting rid of our furniture - it's WAYYYY too big for this place, and makes it feel all cramped and icky. Hopefully, wewill be able to find something for a good deal. Hmm.... I need to scour freecycle again.

*twenty minutes later* Boy! Okay....that was interesting, trying to reorganize all of my yahoo groups. I realized that I have WAYYYYYYYYYYYY too many email addresses, some of which I haven't checked in EONs. 300 unread messages?? *lesigh!!*

Okay -work todo, inone way or another. ta ta!


 Ah!!! Readers who have cats - how the HELL do you prevent them from tracking the litter alllllll through the damn house????!!!!

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