Monday, November 15, 2004

Catching Up....

Well.... it's been an interesting two weeks - and while there's been plenty of stuff that I've MEANT to write - between life itself, and work, hah - haven't had time. So...let's get started.

  1. Sex - whohoo! Not totally perfect, but damn it's a hell of a lot better. Came to a realization over the last few weeks about my - disinterest - I suppose you could say. I'm bisexual, and I've KNOWN this for about 6 years or so. I was always one of those bi folx who believed that if you were with someone, you were with that person - and despite your sexuality - that person alone should be enough. My relationships before C only lasted for about 9 months on average though, which means I never really field-tested that theory. So - in order to remain true to C, I tried to repress my sexuality - acting as if there were two sides of me - the 'straight' side and the 'lesbian' side - and that I could repress one (the lesbian side, obviously) and focus on the other. Instead, what I ended up doing was repressing my sexuality all together - it's an all or nothing game, apparently. So - I think that our little 'conversation' a month ago gave me the 'freedom' to be able to tap back into my full sexuality - and while I still don't crave sex - the thought of a lil freaky deakiness doesn't make me cringe, either. I haven't 'actively' reinstated my bisexuality, but heh - I'm looking forward to it, and knowing that C is cool with it (mildly thrilled, freak that he is) makes it - better in some pretty cool ways. I AM still (kinda sorta) planning on talking to a professional - but with this awareness - hmmm - it'll be interesting to find someone openminded enough in this state - ESP. someone who is recommended by my conservatively republican company.

  2. Work - boooo!!! I don't think I've ever worked so freaking hard -ever- but DAMN! was it fun. The last two weeks have been hell on wheels preparing to upgrade and cutover our production system. We got through it the past weekend, finished EIGHT hours ahead of schedule (cuz we fuckin rock) and so far, it sounds good as we haven't heard any screams from the sites. I'm SOO geeked. I've still got a shitload of stuff to do that I put off to get this crap going, but hey - priorities, right? But - perk! I got my 100.00 'Thank you for bending over and being our bitch' gift check on Saturday - but I haven't decided how to spend it just yet. It's between lingere, a sewing machine, or sheets - all things I want, all things I 'kinda' need, and all things that 100.00 bucks would almost cover. Ah! Also found out that I might be able to move to AUSTRALIA as there is a site there that needs support. Italy or Australia?? One thing I LOVE about Australia - they speak ENGLISH! No need to learn a second language (though I need too, but Italian wouldn't be my first choice) So - who knows where I might end up.

  3. Home -whhhoooofreakinghooo!!!! First and FOREMOST - Saturday - WE GOT A WASHER AND DRYER. I installed it last night (there was a funny 'gender shift' going on then - I'm in the laundry room, cussing over hooking up the washer & dryer - while C is in the kitchen, washing dishes and cooking dinner -I love us) I was almost in tears loading the first load. I think that this may be the first time I've had my OWN washer and dryer in - years. I certainly haven't had one IN the apartment that I lived in since highschool (make that 1992 - so TWELVE years) - and I honestly can't EVER remember having a washer and dryer IN my house - I've always had to go to coin laundromats. I'm so damn excited I SERIOUSLY don't know what to do with myself. I washed two loads yesterday, and have a SHIT load of stuff to wash that I've had laying around (like blankets) for MONTHS. *sigh* I love it, love it, love it. We ALSO got a queen sized waterbed on Saturday, and worked together to put that together yesterday. We haven't put the mattress in yet (that bitch is HEAVY) but it's taking up most of our bedroom now. Okay - but the COOLEST part of all? We only paid 290 for all three items - 30 bucks (well, 40, as I ain't feel like asking for change once I saw how good shape the bed was in) for the bed, and 250 for the washer and dryer (damn near brand new - not a scratch on them, and the guy had just brought them last year - Kenmore!) I love my work classifieds, and I love my company for making people move and forcing them to sell such lovely items for so outrageously low prices. In other home related news - my NEW hard drive for MY computer should be waiting on my doorstep when I get home today (please treat me right UPS) and I might have a WORKING computer back. Hmm.... maybe I should spend that hundred bucks trying to rescue the data offa my OLD harddrive.

  4. Me - whhoooboooo! Okay - the whoo is just because - dammit - I'm happy. I'm content, I'm still broke, but at least I don't FEEL quite so broke, I love my husband again (cycles Kimmie?) and - well....things are going well. The booo is because - I'm GAINING weight again. And yes, it's most likely all the sugar and coffee and starch and just generally bad shit I've been eating lately. I KNOW I'm going back on 'realfood' on Jan 1 (no matter what country I'm in) and I'm considering scooping up one of those hypnotic CD's like 'Rella's got and vibing to that until the end of the year - priming the pump so to speak.

I have utterly no comment to make about the election except for that fact that I was sick to my stomach all day on the 2nd, and just plain freaking depressed on the 3rd. The concept of allowing love to shine in ALL it's forms was considered immoral - but a bloody war started for no reason killing who knows how many civilians IS moral......dammit America, how STUPID and NARROWMINDED can you get? *sigh* Shit. So yeah. It's kinda frustrating though - we know that we are stuck with him for the next four years - so at this point, I guess all that we can do is try to mitigate the damage he can cause. *sigh* Shit.

Umm.... I think that's about it for now.

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