Wednesday, September 26, 2001

The Moment

Well… I need to write down exactly what happened because otherwise I’m going to start to forget.

I was home after having been puttering around most of the night,  trying to make a glaze for a pan of cinnamon rolls that I had the sudden urge to make. He buzzed the door, and I ran to let him in and then ran back into the kitchen because I had to get back to my glaze…. you understand?
He shed his various bags and coat and all that jazz, came in the kitchen, gave me the usual kiss and asked  me what I was up to. Telling him about the rolls and the glaze, his eyes lit up (the boy is a cinnamon rolls FIEND), and then he told me that he had to ask me something really important, so would I leave the glaze for a second.
I thought he was going to ask me if he could move in with me, or borrow a lot of money, or something…. he just seemed so serious and dour rather than really nervous.
So we are sitting on my couch, and I am all wrapped up in the throw I have on the couch. I was rather skimpily clad, and the living room was MUCH cooler than the kitchen. 
He starts to tell me how much he loves me, and how much I mean to him and all this other lovely dovey stuff and my eyes are just getting bigger and bigger as he is talking. Then he slides off the couch, gets on one knee (he really did… that is when the state of shock started) and asked me if I would be his wife. *grins* I had started giggling since about a minute before he actually asked me, because I suspected what was coming,  and I was trying to muffle it by covering the lower half of my face with the throw.  So when he asked, I just nodded madly. I couldn’t even speak because I had this HUGE ass grin on my face.  He was like – ‘Are you saying Yes?’ and I just kept nodding  and finally managed to get out this really itty bitty half giggly half breathy  YES.  :)  We hugged and kissed and shmoopied for a couple of minutes, and then I popped up and ran into the kitchen… because my rolls were starting to burn.  :)  Luckily the rolls were safe (and delicious I might add) and we were engaged. 
 He said (afterwards… as we were talking) that he wanted to wait until he could get a ring, but because of  hissy fit that I threw the day before I left for Madrid about how most of the time I could care less if he has money to sped on me, I just want to be WITH him…he figured (correctly too) that the ring would be a lot less important to me than knowing that he wants to be with me for life.  I inform him, however, that I some point I want an engagement ring. :)

And that’s it.  One year and two days after we started dating, he asked me to marry him…. how cool is that?

It still doesn’t feel quite real.  It’s almost like how a felt when I first got my car… it’s a change, but such a sudden one that it doesn’t really hit me how much has changed right away. :) I am more or less out of my state of shock….but wow.  I’m like… engaged…. to be married.  *faints dead away*

Stay Jazzed.

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