Sunday, April 28, 2002

Easy - Like Sunday Morning


It’s Sunday – around 1:15pm. I’m sitting on the couch watching the TLC /Lisa Lopes memorial stuff on VH1. They just got finished showing behind the music – and now they are showing their videos in order of release. *sighs* TLC is/was one of my favorite bands. Ah so…

I have absolutely nothing to write about…I just felt like writing something today so I’m spewing. I might come up with something interesting.

I haven’t heard back from my old boss yet – nor have I heard back from the friend who had a fit when I told him I was engaged. *sighs* I hven’t called back LittleOne yet either….he left me & Cor a nice little message a few days ago. I just hate calling people when I don’t really have the time or energy to totally focus on them – ya know? So…my phone communication skills suck. I need to call Nee too… I haven’t talked to her since her little sister had the baby (on my birthday nonetheless.) So yeah – duties I need to fulfill to be not a slacker. *sigh*

Jasmyn isn’t really my name (as anyone who has communicated with me from here through mail most likely knows) My real name is actually damn cool – which is why I have the whole name change issue thing going on. I actually LIKE Jasmyn Corey-Last-Name. In fact, it’s one of the pseudonyms that I love to use – it just sounds right. So – I have this issue where I use one name when I initially meet people (esp. from online) and then I forget whether or not I used Jasmyn or my real name. *grins* Well…it’s fun. Then sometime I feel goofy about using a name that’s not really mine – and I have considered changing my name to Include Jasmyn as part of it when I get married. :) So I will be making my name really really long (5 names – youch!!!) But then I can legally use any combination thereof. *grins* When (my head & heart both chimed in with IF! IF! - traitors) I get published I want to use Jasmyn Corey-Last-Name as my author name. Not sure why – maybe I think that I will just be amazingly famous, and it will be easier if I don’t use my ‘real’ name as a famous author. :) Heh. don’t I have big dreams?

Something vaguely creepy happened to me yesterday at work – I was complaining to a coworker how I have been feeling really sore and gassy and just icky about 20-30 minutes after I eat unless I ate something really light like a salad – and the lady who I was ringing up asked me if my shoulder blades hurt. I ‘checked’ and they were sore and achy feeling. She then (the customer) said that it sounds like I have a gallbladder problem and I might want to get that looked into. Then! two of my other coworkers mentioned how they had family who had a similar problem and that really! I should get that checked out. *sighs* What is UP with me?? Anyhow, I came home and checked out some info on gallbladder problems. Interestingly enough – these are the risk factors: include female sex (check!) oral contraceptive use (check!), increasing age (no- but if I remember right this was because of decreased estrogen production – and interestingly enough according to the pill popping physician that is why I have been bleeding for the past 3 freaking weeks – low estrogen. My voice isn’t getting deep or anything though), fertile (check!), obesity(check!), diabetes mellitus(no), chronic alcohol ingestion(umm –maybe – I drink every weekend – a good bit too – but what do they consider to be chronic?) , and African-American(check!) or Asian ethnicity(no).
So – out of a possible 9 risk factors – I fit into 6 maybe 7 of them. So – now I am going to start keeping a closer lookout on what causes the gas fits. Supposedly, if you have gallbladder problems they occur after every meal more or less, but they are much much worse after a fatty meal. Yesterday the meal I had that made me start complaining was a slice and a half of some rather greasy pizza. And off hand – I know that I had noticed that greasy/fatty stuff made me gassy and icky feeling. So…off to the doctor I go AGAIN. Damn.

Hm. It’s almost 1:40pm now. Corey took my car to go to work this morning – but I need to go to work at LB tonight and he said he would bring it back around 3:30…and I really need to be ready to go then. Sadly enough, it usually takes me about 45 minutes to an hour to get ready. And it’s not like I’m a primp queen (if I moisturize my face before I walk out the car that is a GOOD day) it’s just that most times I’m only half awake and besides – why rush? So…. I kinda need to go and start getting ready. Bleh. I wish I had the car cuz I would get dressed, hop in, and go driving listening to my TLC albums. Eh. Instead I guess I Will get up and figure out what I’m going to wear. Bah. I wanna wear some jeans.

Oh yeah - I'm loving these colors.


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