Friday, April 12, 2002

Happy Friday Brain Purge

There was this very friendly gentleman who used to be a security guard here named Frank. And every Friday, Frank would be sitting at the front desk, greeting people with a very cheery “Happy Friday” as they came in. Most people would respond in kind…and it was cool cuz it sounded not the least bit cheesy when Frank said it, or when people said it back to him. I think it sounded so sincere because he truly was sincere about wishing people a Happy Day. *sighs* Frank retired, but every Friday that I come to work I hope it’s a happy one.

I’m still working on designing this ring o’mine. One of the jewelry boards that I participate in has had an ongoing debate about copyright laws surrounding jewelry design. It started when someone who wanted a Tacori imitation, with some subtle changes that they had approached Tacori about making, but Tacori refused to make the changes - approached one of the custom jewelers on the board to make this ring for her. So this lady went to another jeweler, and this bru-ha-ha came up. It’s an odd thing to wrap my mind around, considering how rabid I am about copyright when it comes to writing (I think plagiarists should be suspended by their writing hand over a pit of hot lava) but yet I quite casually wear a Tiffany knock-off on my left hand…and have not a scrap of guilt about it. I think it comes down to a matter of accident. There are only but SO many ways to make a solitaire ring – there’s a round part you stick your finger through, 3 to 8 prongs that hold the stone in and a rock of some sort. I’m sure someone who is more math friendly than me can figure out exactly how many realistic combinations that comes to, but I know it’s not infinite. So – if two people totally separate design the same thing at close to the same time – but one person is a designer for a major label and the other person is Jo Shmoe – that (to me) isn’t copyright violation. Taking the basic design of something and adding changes that the designer won’t make – and getting a single unique ring made – to me that isn’t copyright violation either. There are some jewelers on the board who think that both are – and while I can understand their concerns – I think it’s a bit much. Especially when the designers themselves don’t seem to mind much…unlike Disney. :)
Anyhow – that has ‘flavored’ my ring design process. I want something very unique, but I know that there is not that much that HASN’T been done (esp. in the non froofy band I want) so I’m hunting for ways to pull it off. I need to go back to those chi-chi jewelry stores I was in before and look around more. So far – I know that I want a band with multiple princess garnets set in it. I would like it to have filigree around it somehow, and I would like it to be somewhat openwork. I know that you have to have a base for the filigree (or a rim around it) so I’m not sure how well openwork will work with that – but I’m trying. So – I go out on the net at look at designers that I know are well known for their filigree work (like Tacori) to see how they did it, what designs they had, and so forth – just to get an idea of what is feasible. Now though, I feel vaguely guilty about it – like I’m stealing something - even though most of Tacori’s stuff is 1) way tooooo froofy and 2) waaaaayyyy too damn expensive and 3) most likely would not substitute garnets for the diamonds anyway. *sighs* Bleh.

I’m on call for work tonight – and while I expect that I will have to go in (enough to bring a change of clothes as we can’t wear jeans), I’m madly hoping that I don’t have to go in. *crosses fingers* Speaking of which – after weeks and weeks of getting Tuesday and Thursday off (so much so that I had made plans for next Thursday as I thought I wouldn’t have to work that night) of course, I have to work. It presents more of a problem for the Lilly job, as I already have to cut out of here right on time (4:30) so coming in late or running errands during the days that I do work at night is a bad thing. Next week I have my first dentist appt for the deep cleaning of me teeth (must talk about my TB later) on – you guessed it Thursday. And it’s at 10:30!! So, I think I might come to work super early – take an early & long lunch, then traipse on over to LB.
Okay – now to talk about my wonderful toothbrush. It’s an electric one (the Braun UltraDeluxe thingy) and it’s just WONDERFUL. It has a set two minute timer (it’s amazing how long of a time that is) and it has a small head (good for me small mouth) and my teeth just get soooo much cleaner! Anyhow – I like it…and Slate did a shopping comparison and voted it the best Electronic TB among them all.

Reading one of my new favorites, I saw an old note on her diary that was from one of my old favorites who vanished, and whose diary name I couldn’t fully remember. After respotting several of my old fav’s when we made the switch to FeeOD, I was hoping that I could find her too. Ah well – she is no where to be found (at least under the old name(s). ) So – if anyone knows who/where KateAAF, or *Wendy* (she changes her name so dang much!) is – I would love to ‘find’ them again.

Man – I have been hopping around on subjects today. Just doing a brain purge.

Happy Friday!


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