Wednesday, July 31, 2002

AHHHH!!! It's the Attack of the Mad Planner

I lay all this almost toally at the feet of 'That Bride'. *LOL* I've been planning (and budgeting) up a storm over the last few weeks. I'm trying to figure out how to throw a nice elegant yet laid back (cuz we are two of the MOST relaxed people ever) shindig or about 100 people. Maybe. Argh! See this is the hardest part - trying to create a realistic budget when you're not QUITE sure how many people may be coming. I mean if EVERYONE we are going to invite comes - that will most likely run to about 150-160 people (EEKK) but if only the people who I really expect to come come, then that will put me more around the 100 mark.
I have always wondered how in good gracious NAME women have wedding where 300 to 500 people show up. Do they really KNOW that many people? I might KNOW 400 people - but dear god, I'm not going to invite them to my wedding! Maybe it's a side effect of having a brokn family. I don't know my father's side of the family, or for that matter my grandfathers side - so that chops the potential guest list almost in half just for family. I don't have a crap load of friends - so that whittles it down even more.

I'm seriously considering turning this diary into the Wedding Journal - as I have the personal journal on the website and I have the weight loss journal over there too. I purposely didn't create a journal on the wedding website (folx don't need to know THAT much info) so here would be a perfect place. I can't STAND UW enough to use their journaling system - and The Knot (which drives me batty too) doesn't have one.
Ah! I love it when an idea comes together. :)


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