Friday, November 8, 2002


Okay - I've been showing this off to everyone jsut cuz I'm so stinking proud of myself I could SPIT. And so naturally - I had to show it to my loverly OD folx too.

I'm split between making this into a magnet or a postcard (simply because I like spending money and I think magnets are cool and it's harder to lose a magnet -it will most likely end up being a magnet) but finally - here are our STDs:

Ain't they cute?? If I do use them as magnets - I'm still trying to figure out what card of car to send them in/on.

What else?? We looked at the guest list and our newly fluid financial state and decided that we would up the guest list. The chapel only holds 40 folx (YAAAYYY!!) and so we are inviting exactly forty people....and they are all people that I TRULY hope will come. :) We might add another 10 or so on the thought that maybe everyone won't come, but it's Vegas so that might be a dangerous assumption.

We also added Corey's home pastor to the list - he REALLY wants to be married by this man - so we will foot the flight out and his room for one night. I'm proud of my baby - he's admitted he's been being himself and procrastinating and he has PROMISED to talk to the Rev. by the end of the month.

*grins* See? I'm back in the flow - I plan on calling the Flamingo tonight (for real this time) and checking on the room rates, the chapel rates, whether that day is booked ( I would be SOOO crushed) and all that kinda jazz.

If anyone wants to take a gander at our website feel free - we need to add some pictures of ourselves to it...hmmm I might do that and scan them in and that will be what's the the First Year bit. Let me know what ya'll think.


Have a good weekend all....esp YOU!!!! *giggles*


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