Friday, April 23, 2004


Well... I'm legally Mrs. C now. I wanted to keep my maiden name and shift it my middle name and still keep my middle name, but apperantly that's asking a bit much of a marriage license so I'd have to go through the courts to get it legally changed, and as attached as I am to my name, I reaaallllllyyyy don't have 210.00 to spend to keep it.  *le sigh* So. yeah. But - my social security card has it on there, as apparently you can call yourself anything you damn well please there. So - maybe when I move to another state and get a new license I might be able to pull it off then? *le sigh*


What else? I'm going to start the Master Cleanser fast Monday. Me & C are going to have one last big blowout this weekend, and then it's a ten day 'drink' fast. I'm doing it more for the cleansing properties than for the weight reducing properties, as I feel - icky internally. Just - dirty. :) So - this will be an interesting two weeks. Once I'm done, I'm going to jump right back into proper clean Atkins, again.


C. got a job! He starts Tuesday as a chef at Indy's snootiest resturant. *claps* The guy that he was talking to about opening a restaurant doesn't know shit about how to open one, expects to open in two months, and hasn't even REASEARCHED what it takes to open a SUCCESSFUL place. He's opened two clubs - but a club is just a big empty room with a sound system - a resturant is a whole nother barrell of bricks, so we both have very skeptical feelings about this. The guy didn't plan on hiring anyone until 3 weeks before opening, and C is starting to back away from what we think is going to be an 'open for three months' kind of scenario. Of course - the good job that he is going to start Tuesday presents a wee bit of a - dilemna when faced with the possibility of moving away from the area in 9 months, but that bridge will be there for us to cross...later.

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