Monday, May 28, 2007


It's about midnight, and I'm stil up because I have henna in my hair.

Well, okay, it's not really the henna that is keeping me up,because I could wash it out at any point in time.

It's the fact that I've never kept henna in for less than 12 hours, and the thought of washing it out at the seven hour mark feels rather pointless to me - even though I know that to some people, 6 hours is a bit of an acheivement.

Anyhow, I'm still awake, and will be taking a shower in a bit, to wake me up even more.

I spent most of the day either futzing around, or building bookcases. I built five today, and they are all nicely installed and attached to the wall so I don't have to worry about the bookcases pulling an Evie.

Tomorrow, I'll catalouge hopefully the rest of my books. I'm looking forward to it - I think that the library will soon be my next favorite room.

I'm watching Iron Chef America, and watching DH fall asleep.

I also have some of the WORST hiccups ever. Ugh.


I warned you.



I'm still not pregnant. I was rather hoping that I would get knocked up as soon as I stopped trying to not get knocked up. *snort* Yah, not so simple, eh?

I really hope that Bobby Flay doesn't win. I'm not fond of him - such a stuck up asshole.

I need to call Andi. Dear Gods, I need to call her - I'm such a sucky slacker of a friend. Fuck all, for that matter, I need to call Alison. Gahhhh. I suck.

Still with the hiccups.


Tomorrow is DITL.

I could do it - shit, today is DITL. Hah. I think I will go and get the camera out of DH"s car.

Mwuahahaha. .

G'night dolls.

ETA: Bah. Ah well, wont' be doing DITL, as DH left the charger at work. At that's assuming he didn't lose it, which would prompt me to strangle him.





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