Friday, September 7, 2007

I are Nerd

Okay, I haven't even FINISHED taking the test, and I must say - this is the hardest. question. EVER.

Fuckkkk. ME!

If you could only pick ONE of the following items in the next six groups, which would it be? (i.e. by picking the ONE, you can no longer have/possess the others, EVER)
...Group 1...
a)Your collection of books
b)A computer
c)Your DVD collection

*weeps* But - it didn't say you couldn't USE one. Yeah.


That's it.


Here's the test. says I'm a Cool High Nerd. What are you?

Rock on, with the coolness, and the highness. I am Duchess Nerd, ya'll.

Quick Fun Facts:

36.6% of all test takers would choose the Internet over sex, and
29.2% of married test takers prefer the Internet over sex.


And, in sadder news - Madeline L'Engle is dead. I think the next book I will pick up to read will be one of hers - and they are shortish, so I might squeeze it in before I finish all the books I'm reading.

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