Saturday, October 18, 2003


Yeah... so I think we might be okay. Really. We had a really good, really long talk today - and I really think we might be okay. I was going to write 'I can't describe how happy that makes me - but dammit I'm a writer the least I should be able to do is to describe my OWN emotions - yes?? So - how happy does that make me? *sigh* He's the love of my life - so much so that I couldn't bear the thought of having him stuck with a chick that couldn't/can't be what he needs. And yeah, I know nobody's perfect, but the least I can do is TRY, yes? So - anyhow - I'll try, and he'll try, and even if our trying doesn't quite reach perfection, at least we are trying to get there. So - I'm happy because I don't have to break my heart in order to not break his. Yeah. I'm happy like a cookie monster who just inherted a cookie company - the Keebler elves cookie company mind you. forever supplied by inventory from god. Yeah. That's me.

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