Tuesday, September 6, 2005


Been doing some navelgazing (more like mad researching) and have settled rather comfortably into acceptance of the fact that at our current income, if prices keep going up, we won't be able to afford the life we lead now. It's odd, but I'm perfectly okay with that - and actually trying to gear up and prepare for the challenge.

So - put together a budget, and found (much to me & C's shock) that we can actually be DEBTFREE in a year! A YEAR! and - we will still have a healthy sum of money to live off of. We should have enough money to live off of that if we CAN'T live off of that money, we seriously need to bring our spending into check.

I had my last cigarette yesterday. I pop a 'Zyban' twice a day, and sport an absolutely hideous 'nicotine patch' on my left shoulder. The reason they are both in quotes is because I'm part of a Quit Smoking Study, and as it's a blind study, one of them could easily be a placebo - or I could be getting double doses of the real stuff. Anyone who take Zyban - do the pills SMELLL to high heaven? I mean - damn, these suckers STINK. Thankfully, they have no taste.  So far - the hardest bit has been while driving - I'm so used to puffing through at least half of my 20 minute commute home. I'm popping a cinnamon tictac to make up for it - so far, not too bad. Work has been a breeze - I've told my coworkers I've quit - so they are leaving me alone. Had a BIT of a headache on and off all day - but I'm trying to suck down massive quantities of water to make up for it.

I need to find the Farmers Market everybody keeps telling me about - I suspect that it's no where near midtown, and really - I'm the kind of person who will balance whether the distance I drive for cheaper/better/fresher veggies is really worth the gas. I also need to check out the EasyWay store I drive by on my way home and see what sort of stuff they have. If it's fresh and locally grown, that ight be good enough. But the Farmers Market most likely has stuff like eggs and cheese and all the other yummy stuff that comes from farms. Is it year round? Most likely not - rather defeats the purpose of a Farmers Market if half the food isn't local.

I'm mulling over going back on Atkins at the end of this month. The quitting smoking  is a health plus, but if my ass gets any fatter that will dissolve into a minus. And I'm not quite fatalistic to think - hmmm..... future food stores! No - I don't think it'll get that damn bad. Suprisingly enough, I've noticed that I have a very small appetite. I tend to skip breakfast, and lunch, and will eat a few bites for dinner - and it's mainly because I'm truly NOT hungry. Huh. I wonder if I could be in ketosis any damn way. Hmmmm......

All but one page on the website is done - my philosophy page. I'm struggling with hitting the right balance between - I will fight to the END for what you want and - Sometimes, you have to do what you would rather NOT do....Eh. It's taking me a while, but it's almost ready.  Scared again am I - I'm such a wuss ass. Terrified of my own fucking light. *sigh*

In other side business news, I think I may have worked through one of the biggest kinks in my 'other' business idea. If I can find a cheap (but nice) selection of thin elastic cord, I'll be in business - literally. hmmm.... I wonder when Pagan Pride Day is, and if I could make enough to try and have a booth?? *tsk* I need to come up with some bead designs.....

So....I'm pretty involved/preoccupied with my real world life - and I can tell, as my rate of involvement with my online world has slacked greatly. eh - I go through cycles....

So, how ya'll doin?

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