Friday, October 5, 2001

Technies and Sparklies...

It’s very very odd. In an earlier entry, I fussed about not having a ring. And then, I started reading newsgroups and stuff where women were either 1) bitching about the ring or 2) telling the women who were bitching about the ring that they should be happy with what they got… and take it as a gift from the man who they plan on spending the rest of their lives with. I really wasn’t sure WHICH group I would be in, but I was afraid I would be in the ‘bitching to my self, but happy to him’ group. Well.

Yesterday, we had a team building event at GameWorks Studio downtown. The Boy shows up in the middle of it (very subtly) and says he needs to borrow one of my rings. Wha wha whaaa??? But I let him have it. I was nervous…cuz I knew he had got something, and the whole way to my house at the end of the day, all I could think about was – What if I don’t like it?? Got home, settled in, trying very hard to not ACT like I was hunting for the little box. Eventually, he gave in and handed me a box. I opened it, and inside was a thin GOLD wedding band. At first I was disappointed…just looking at it. But…*LOL* I almost felt like the Grinch when his heart grew three sizes – I took it out the box and put it on, and I promise you it looks like the most beautiful ring I have ever worn in my life. It’s a lovely, simple, golden circle…and what makes it even better is he got a matching set… so he is wearing one too. And I don’t wear gold… I don’t even LIKE gold. But it is soooo beautiful, and so appropriate. I see it as, we are starting small… and when we really take that big leap, we will have the big sparklys to go with it, rather than doing it the other way around. At first, I thought maybe I was just trying to convince myself that I liked it….but I do. It’s no self brainwashing going on here…. it’s just true.

What those women were saying IS real – IF you love him, you will love anything he gives you. :) I love him. I referred to him as my fiancée for the first time to one of my friends last night and while it felt weird… it feels so right. :)

Okay… enough of the lovely dovey stuff. Let’s talk about my new TOY!!! After doing my expense report (and finding out that I could get back the cash that I spent) I decided that I would have to treat myself to something…new… and technological. So, I bough a Palm Pilot. :) I got the software installed on the work computer, and I am good to go. I have not yet transferred all of the stuff from my date book and calendar and everything into it, but I am excited.

What else? I’m going to a football game and a fashion show tomorrow…finally getting out and having fun and meeting people. Man… having a car really has made difference. I hung out with Angel on Wednesday….having much fun on Saturday… and also, me and the Boy are going to our first real presentation as an engaged couple – a presentation thingy where we have the chance to win a new car or 25,000 bucks. :) cool eh?

Ummm.. that’s it for now…

Stay Jazzed.

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