Thursday, October 25, 2001

The Open House is OVER

*peeks around the corner*

Are they all gone??

*darts back into hiding at a rustle*

*slllloooooowwwwlllllllyyyy comes back out*

I think I did a bit too good of a job going out and begging for notes. Now I have all these strangers tromping through my roses and poking their noses against my windows and I don’t know ANY of them. It’s rather frightening actually.
I have decided that I NEVER want to be Editor’s Choice. Imagine having to go through this for an entire week (or more depending on how the OD Staff is feeling on Tuesday… or was it Thursday??) And then there is the danger of having someone who is NOT a random stranger (and considering I have a big ole cheesy picture of me on my front page now, it’s not like I could deny it) stumbling across here. Hm. Actually that wouldn’t be too bad, as I don’t think I know anyone in RL who might happen across here…maybe a coworker or two… but I don’t talk about them much. At least not badly, too much.


This is a late entry… started AFTER lunch. Oktoberfest was today… I had cabbage and soup for lunch. Really very filling. And also high in carbs which is a surefire way to make me sleepy as hell. *yawns*
Well… yeah.

Tomorrow is Friday… and then it’s the weekend. I think this weekend I will clean the house, and get some house like stuff….stuff I have been putting off buying but that I really really need Like more drawers, and *shrugs* Some other stuff. I can’t think of it all right now.

I have been thinking about more wedding stuff (as if this is new) and found some non-denominational type vows and stuff that with a little work will be rather nice. *grins* I don’t know if the ones that call on the God and the Goddess would go over too well (with my family or his) so I might have to tone that one down. And considering he suggested that his old pastor officiate *shrugs* I doubt that would go over too well with him either. Ya know… I don’t even know what denomination the church is??? * shrugs shoulders* Ah well.

Working working working.

During the severe storm warning yesterday, they herded us all into the basement as that was the storm shelter. Me and a coworker swapped palm pilot games, and she gave me this one that I am hooked on called DopeWars. *hangs head in shame* Basically you are a street dealer, and you have to see how much money you can make in 30 days. You start with 2000 bucks from a loan shark… and his interest is a BITCH! You buy and sell and try to avoid the cops. :) It’s a fun game… as long as I pretend like I am selling stock or something. :) It’s sad.

Okay. I think I’m done for the day.

Stay Jazzed.

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