Friday, October 4, 2002

Mad Scramble (Change of Plans)

I don't think I've mentioned lately PRECISELY how much I love my mother. As I get older - I see that she's not perfect, but she's damn close. She's got her failings and her blind spots (and don't we all) and while stumbling over a new one kind of sucks - it's still delightful to realize that she is HUMAN.
She's a wonderful human though. :) So - I talked to her about my 'cold feet'. She told me (more or less) to do what feels best for us - and then suggested Vegas.

*raised eyebrow*

I have been just FUNDAMENTALY against Vegas - I don't want the drive through, I don't want the cheese factor, and heaven KNOWS I don't want Elvis (Or even worse - Elvii!!). But - after doing a little research online, it looks like I can still get a nice sweet little romantic garden wedding - in Vegas. Heh. It's close enough that it's not outrageously expenisve, but far away enough that we don't have to worry about a BUNCH of hanger ons. Besides the fact that - it's Vegas...and most of my family hasn't been there. His family? Some have, some haven't, but that's an issues for another entry.

So - *grins* I'm excited again. And besides the fact that it will be cheaper to get married on the date we REALLY wanted (September 1st - a Monday) and I mean - *grins* It's just reallly reallly better.

Lst night Corey FINALLY admitted that he really doesn't care WHERE we get married, HOW we get married or anything else. All he cares about is that we get married (which no doubt, is the MOST important part) - but the trimmings are kinda cool too, ya know? So - I get to be all girly girly. *LOL*

So...I'm about to get the deposit back from our site *sniffsniff* though I REALLLY did love it, and continue hunting for the right 'place' in Vegas. I'm considering trying to talk him into going out there over Christmas (if he has any vacation time) so we can actually preview stuff.


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