Monday, October 7, 2002


Well - that has gone over (with my folx) much better than I ever thought. Everyone seems more than eager to come to Vegas.

So - I've narrowed it down to two places.
1) The Garden Chapel at the Flamimgo Hotel or
2) The Grove at Silk Purse Ranch.

Personally - I like the Grove better....the only perk that the Flamingo has is that it offers video and a night's stay in the hotel. The Grove however - it just has a better 'personality''s just plain PURTY. And it's cheaper (naturally).

So...I'm excited again - the wedding (including airfare, lodging and the reception) has dropped down to 4K. Which is SO manageble.


I'm considering buying my dress now - getting a simple one from Watters & Watters or WToo. Corey wants to wear a simple suit. My mom's getting our rings. One of my friends has offered to help me create finalize the website. I'm hopefully *cross your fingers for me* going to get a different part time job that pays more and is more flexible. I spent a WHOLE DAY with the light of my life - and I'm just so freaking happy.

*happy sighs*


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