Thursday, February 7, 2002

Naming Conventions

*sighs* Only 1:30…and as I didn’t get here until a bit after 8 I would feel most guilty for leaving early. 

Have I mentioned the whole name thing? I have a relatively exotic name, that my mother picked for me.  My entire name MEANS something – Success in Life as a servant of the Protecting Friend.  Pretty cool, yes?  Now, as getting married was never really in my scope, I never even thought of the whole name change thing.  But now, I gotta think about it…and I don’t really like my options.

1)Keep my name – but I like the fact that after we get married we will be a ‘new’ family with the same last name.

2)Take his name – urgh. but I like my name,  and I would prefer to keep it.

3)Change both our names  - while that would solve problem 1, it would do nothing for problem two.

4)Have him take my name – I really don’t want that, and neither does he.  :)

5) Hyphenate – um no. My last name alone is more than long the freak enough.

6) Move my last name to my middle name, drop the middle name, and tack his onto the end.  – While this would allow me to keep my name in spirit, really I would be taking his name, as that is what I would be using.

7) Use his name in social situations and use my name officially.  – Blah. Too much freaking trouble.

Those are everything I have thought of, and none really spin my bucket.  For simplicity, I will most likely end up taking his name, and moving my last name to be my middle name. 

The reason I thought of this is because I have been trying to use the ‘new’ name as much as possible when I’m creating new internet accounts and stuff like that.  The more I hear it, the more I start to kinda get used to it, and my signature would be much shorter….but I just CAN’T give up my connection to my mom so easily.  Bleh.

Hmm.. what else?  I worked last night with this amazingly bubbly girly (21) who has been married for close to 6 months now. How sweet is that?  She did something and the thought struck me – I wonder if she is on OD?  I wonder how many people I know or run across or bump into are members of this community that I would never realize??

Also, I met a soror of mine, and something spurred me to ask her if she was a part of the grad chapter here.  I haven’t joined, first because I had no car and no way to get to meetings, but secondly because I am nervous around older black women… I have this odd urge to roll over and show my belly with most of them.  I’m not sure if it’s a matter of insecurity within myself, or if it is some transference of mother power or WHAT – I just know that I am not my usual self when it comes to most older black women…maybe I don’t feel all the way grown up, so I feel like I have to defer to them, and as I tend not to defer to ANYONE…it gives me a really odd feeling.  Anyhow, I got her cousin’s number (who happens to be the Regional Director) and I might call her. Maybe.

Hm. my network connection seems to have died (I HATE pigtails). Yet another reason to write entries in word.

Oh MAN!! How could I forget? I lost my snow virginity last night.  *grins* That’s right, it was snowing when I left work and I drove home through a mild snowfall. It was very cool, but thankfully it had all melted my this morning.  It was very pretty though, falling out of the sky so lightly, glistening in the street and tail lights. *sighs*  I still don’t like winter though. Cold crap. And it’s kinda warm today, in the mid 40’s. We have almost hit the middle of February, and if we can make it through this month, we might not get any ‘real’ snow this year.  Wouldn’t THAT be lovely.

Grrr… still no connection. *sighs* I might have to reboot.

Bah. Sucky computer. Need new one.


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