Wednesday, February 6, 2002

Sparkly Magpie

I’m depressed.  *sighs*  Today, the company bonus came out – a percentage based on your yearly salary.  Mine came out to be just around 3,500 bucks.  Not too shabby, right?  In a matter of *thinks* 10 minutes it was all gone.  Gone, I tell you, GONE!   And on what? 1,700 to pay off a class of mine. 1,100.00 for insurance for the next six months and registration for the year. 700 to two  credit cards….and that’s all I spent.

And then, just to torment myself, I went wandering amongst the websites of those high end jewelry stores (we have accepted the fact that we are obsessed with sparkly stuff) – you know, the kind of store with an armed guard at the door? I’m not talking Tiffany either – I’m talking the kind of place where sterling silver dares not show its face.  And that got me to thinking – will I ever come to a point in my life where I don’t have to ask the price?  Where I can just stroll into a store, look around, spot something that I like, say I want it, and NOT cringe when it gets rung up? And I’m not talking about the dollar store either…I don’t see myself ever reaching a point where I work solely for MYSELF. And that if I choose to take two weeks off for – whatever – I can… and not have to worry about  a bill.  Okay…I might reach that point…but *sighs* the no-look buying thing?? THAT I don’t see happening.

And I think the other thing that kinda brought me down was the fact that I didn’t get that usual “ah” huge weight off of me feeling as I paid off the class.  It was more like a slow drain – tttsssssssstttt!  And volia! It’s gone.  *sighs* But…. I look at it this way. I’m better off now then I was before. One LESS bill to pay.  Now all I have to do is switch my automatic Planned Parenthood donation from that card to another (I know, I KNOW!!! but it’s so much more convenient that way, and the credit card people tend not to bother me as much about not using the stupid card) and I’m done with it. I can change the address back to my mom’s, and she will have a brand new credit card to play with. *sigh*

Hmm.. what else?  No ring yet, but I talked to the jeweler and he said by the latest, the 12th. Perfect!  So…now to figure out how to surprise Corey. Oh yes – he thinks it is MY ring getting sized. :) Silly boy.  He asked me when we were going to go and pick it up. So now all I have to do is stall until my ring gets here…which I’m verrah good at.  Hmm… I might have them send the ring to me at work. That way I KNOW that he won’t see mine and realize what is up.  *evil grin*  Yes yes yes…..

I don’t want to go in tonight… *crosses fingers* If it is as dead today as it was on Monday, hopefully I won’t have to. But if the girl who wanted me to work for her yesterday  called out tonight, then I will HAVE to go in.  Ah well… more money.

*yawns*  I’m pre-PMS’ing, as I have been amazingly tired for the past few days.


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