Friday, September 13, 2002

More on Divorce and Happier wedding stuff

I  thought about this last night - and actually, I DON'T think I will go and look up that stats for the lifetime of marriages for people my age. I have this creeping sensation that it really might be awful high. Offhand - in RL and online - I'm friends with ONE happily married couple, a couple of really crappily (predicting divorce in the next 5 years or less) married people, and a bunch of engaged people. :) So. I've got hope - but I don't want the numbers.
The question actually came from a Knottie - not the Knot itself.
But, I thought it was a good question, despite the scandalous stats. There are so many stats around marriage that I just KNOW have to be skewed - like that OTHER stat that say people who live together first tend to get divorced at a higher rate than those who don't - but don't take into account the fact that many of the people who DON'T live together first might not because of religion - and thus of COURSE they would be less likely to get divorced. Ugh.


In wedding realated news - I scheduled an appointment at the site yesterday to look at it again and take some pictures. I was scheduled to be there at 5:00 - I got there at 5:03...and THERE WAS NO ONE THERE!!!!! Argh!! I called both sites on the location - no answer. I paged the guy I saw the place with before - he was off, but  told me that Alex (the guy who was supposed to meet me) had told him at 4:15 when he last talked to him that he had an appointment with me at 5. The hell do you forget something like that in 45 MINUTES??? *deep breath* But yeah, I still sent off the deposit today. I really love this site - as soon as I manage to freaking take some pictures I'll show them off to you guys.
So - that's done. As soon as I am sure that I have the place *giggle* I'm going to buy the paper for the stationary. It's really real. :)


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