Monday, May 5, 2003


I just deleted a very whiny entry about my impending two week trip to Switzerland, because really - what good does that do me? Instead - I'm going to handle this in a more adult manner. I'm going - at this point there is no way I could get out of going - but I can determine how I'm going to react to going.
Yes, I'm going to have to spend a good bit of money that I really didn't PLAN on spending - but the clothes I need anyway, and the cat's shots they need, and the kennel fees - well I'll just have to suck those up.
So - I've got a free weekend in SWITZERLAND!!! What should I do over the weekend? The site might set up a few suggested weekend trips, but I don't HAVE to go on those trips. And I've no problem striking out on my own - so I need to see if I can get any ideas of what to do. I've now got several errands to run - I need a guide book, and some clothes, and shoes. *gulp* I'm asking for an extension on one of my credit cards. I don't get paid until next Thursday, and I definitely need a lil extra moolah - and I don't want to use the 'specific' card.

Whoo. I think I'm just a little overwhelmed is all - I totally didn't expect to go, and to have to get ready for a two week (international) trip in a little under 4 days is well - overwhelming. And I don't think that I will really get excited until I know that everything is settled, and hell... that most likely won't be until I get on the Chicago-London branch of the trip.

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