Thursday, September 4, 2003

Why? Why not?

 Something else about me - I'm opinionated, but I'm curious and openminded as HELL too. I truly do like learning new things, and even more than that, I LOVE finding out how people think and what REALLY makes them tick.  I'm good for walking into the middle of a debate and asking the question that drives every parent crazy - "Why?"

Why do you do it this way instead of that way?
Why does it work better?
Why can't it be done that way?
Why do you believe that?
Why do you do that?
I'm good for doing this to C. He'll ask for my suggestions for a recipe, and he'll knock it down for whatever reason - and I begin with the whys. I've never been satisfied with a 'just because'.
Lately, I've noticed that some people don't deal with Whys very well. They tend to jump to the defensive immeadiately, defending themselves rather than trying to explain themselves. Maybe it's just a certain conversational/listening issue - but I've run across it several times - and I usually end up spluttering - I wasn't berating you! I wasn't trying to be belligerent! I just wanted to know WHY? I find that the question of why is the simplest and most mind-expanding thing you can ask if you are willing to follow the trail of answers. There are times when I'm thinking about something, and I'll wonder why. I'll hop online, and spend two hours tracking down fascinating little nibbles of information that sprung from a single, tiny, question - Why?
I think sometimes people are afraid of why because they don't KNOW why. And if you hve based anything of importance - any opinion of yours on a belief, and you can't explain WHY you believe that - it starts to chip away at your sense of stability. Most people just close themselves off - instead of exploring themselves and the reasons why - they'd much rather sit in the darkness of an unexplored mind.

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