Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Moodswings, how I hate you.

I'm too sensitive - I want to scream, cuss and cry over what is going on at CPP. How can so called grown women be SO FUCKING BITCHY and immature??? JESUS! Step outside of yourself and think about whether what you are doing is for the good of the whole, and not just a clitstroke to your own sense of righteous fucking satisfaction.

Seriously, is it really that hard to be fucking generous? Even if not with your talent, then with your time? GotfuckingDAMN.

And I'm moodswinging like a mad monkey, which means that my period should be showing up in a week or two, for fucks sake. Or at least I hope so, considering this was a totally annovulatory cycle, and dammit I don't WANT to go to a doctor.

And it's only been four months, and I'm ALREADY tired of trying to get pregnant. Fuck it all, it should be so damn easy. I think I want to get some reiki to be sure that my meridians are flowing and shit. I so wanted this to be EASY. But nooooo, of course not, I have to work for this just like for everything else.

I did I mention that I am SO fucking over work. I can't stand these people, I can't stand this place, I don't like what I'm doing, and I think I'm going to actively start looking for another team to move to. I'm sick of the petty shit, tattling, and general assholishness that goes on here, and yeah, I might have to deal with the same shit different day on a new team, but at least the shit would be NEW.

*stabs the world*

And I need a fucking cigarette which means I've gotten myself hooked AFUCKINGGAIN and which also means after I go through this last pack I HAVE to stop buying them for at least a month - period.



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