Tuesday, December 19, 2000

'ello There

Just realized that I might need to start writing a little more…since in a few days I will be all written out, and shan’t have access to a decent PC for another two weeks. Besides, I feel bad that I have been enjoying others work for the past few days, and yet have not actually contributed anything of my own. Ah well… that is what going home is all about. Anyhow…I am working on gifts as I type…. I have figured out part of Chef’s gift…all of Nee’s gift, and all of JJ’s gift. Baby Boy and LittleOne and the rest of Chef I have no clue of. *sighs* Part of Chef’s gift is homemade… I hope he likes it. I was reading something that said the best gifts are those given from the heart, because they would be liked by the giver and the receiver. That is what I am trying to do with all of my gifts….without trying to turn into some kind of Martha Stewart and do it all myself. I still think Christmas is the most commercialized, over-stressed, expensive holiday there is…but I like giving gifts, especially good ones, and I shall try to enjoy every moment of it. I had a grand old time shopping yesterday, finding a good part of Chef’s gift(s), some lovely cards (that I will work on putting just the right sentiment in) and some lovely wrapping paper that has absolutely nothing about Christmas on it.
Hmm.. in other news, work is dragging again.. but thankfully tomorrow is my last day. Then I have an eye appointment, shopping, hair doing, packing, cooking, loving, and maybe a little gift giving to do before I leave. *smiles* Then I will be home with my fremily…

I have gotten totally sucked into the world of Torin, the latest EC. Man…. The writing is great, it has strong loving women in it and loving strong men in it, plus Forest Folk.. I mean really… this story book is SOOOOO totally up my alley it scares me. I consumed the entire Torin Series in three days, and wrapped up the Watcher in two. Man… I have started working on the series of novels that I had started before…and this has given me some real encouragement about me being able to do what I wanna do…as far as writing goes. And then, part of Chef’s gift is something that I want to do, as far as photography goes… : ) maybe I am shifting into momentum some….hopefully.

Well…. I think I am off to read some more and poke around a little more in other folks lives….

Stay Jazzed.

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