Friday, December 1, 2000


Yes.. still on the survey kick... I have something swirling around in my head, but it hasn't settled enough to write about it....

200. My name is...Jazzybelle, at least in the OD it is.
199. I was born on...01/13/1997.
198. I
197. My hair colour is...dark brown.
196. My eye colour is...brown.
195. My shoe size is...9 womens.
194. My ring size is...depends upon which finger. I think my class ring is around a 6 3/4.
193. My bra size is....38F. I love my boobies but buying a good bra is HELL.
192. My theme song is...Gotta Be by Des’ree
191. I am allergic to...brazil nuts.
190. I a high rise with a view.
189. The last three books I read are...Callahan’s Lady by Spider Robinson, Queen City Jazz by Kathleen Sombody, and Telezy Amberdion by James Schmitz.
188. My bed is...smoothly curving wrought iron with a futon mattress
187. One thing I know for sure about the opposite sex is...they are very different from us
186. I am glad that I am (male/female)’s who I am.
185. A (guy/girl) that I have a crush on is...oh…I haven’t been crushed out in ages
184. My best female friends are...Nee-nee.
183. My best male friends are...interestingly enough, at this point, Chef
180. Three of my quirkiest habits are...counting steps as I walk down them, staring at the sky when I’m walking, picking at scabby spots
179. My favourite pajamas skin.
178. A perfect kiss that gets that tingle going deep in your stomach.
177. The last three CDs you bought are...hmmm… Angie Stone, Common, and Jazzyfatnastees.
176. The sexiest song I know is...Love by Paula Cole.
174. The bands I love to lip synch to in the car are...seventies jams.
173. I could not live without...air
172. My most treasured possession camera
171. My three top pet peeves are...tardiness, dis-respecting elders, random rudeness
170. A question I am sick of answering is…”What do you want to do?”
169. The funniest quote I know is...umph. Never been good at the funny stuff. And most quotes I know that are funny are only funny in a rather limited context. With that said, it would have to be “We late!!”
168. The quote that "sums it all up for me" is... Everything must Change
167. My skin's reaction to the sun is tan/burn...tan.
165. One interesting fact that I know is...the origin of the saying you can’t have your cake and eat it too

I have/have not...
164. Been drunk before? Yup..but only once
163. Smoked? Smoked what? Hm. Never smoked the legal stuff, smoked the illegal a few times.
162. Broken the law? See above question
161. Played strip poker? Yes….
160. Cheated on a significant other? Yes…
159. Cheated on a test? Oh Yes….
158. Dated someone you met online? Nah. But I wrecked someones marriage that I met online.
157. Skinny dipped? Yup.

I do/do not believe in...
142. Love at first sight? Possibly…but I wouldn’t know it was love until much later
141. Luck? yup
140. Fate? Umhm. It’s the simple fact that what happens…happens
139. God? God? Nah.. supreme being.. yes
138. Aliens? Of course, how could we possibily be the only sentient beings in the infinity of the universe? That takes more egocentricity than even I have
137. Heaven? see "God"
136. Hell? On earth? Yep…see, I’m a pessimist because I know that heaven on Earth is a dream
135. Ghosts? Yup…if there is no heaven…
134. Horoscopes? Hm. Depends on how accurate they are, which means I believe in them in hindsight
133. Myself? Kinda

132. Coke or Pepsi? It doesn’t really matter to me
131. Thin Crust or Deep Dish? Thin Crust…if I wanted all that bread I would make a grilled cheese sandwich
130. People or In Style? Neither
129. Hardcover or Paperback? Paperback…the day I start buying hardcover is the day I suddenly come into A LOT of money.
128. Math or English? English.
127. TV or Radio? Hmm…neither really . TV is okay, and so is Radio, but they are both just noise makers to me most of the time. .
126. Love or Lust? Both together is the ideal
125. Blondes or Brunettes? Brunettes…unless it is that really gorgeous golden blond that reminds you of sunlight of wheat.
124. Pools or Hot Tubs? Hmm…warmed pools.
123. Getting the Back Massage or Giving It? Ohhhh I need a massage SO bad…
122. E-Mail or Snail Mail? I wish snail, but unfortunately email.
121. Homecoming or Prom? Prom, two of them
120. High School or College? College, forever it seemed.
119. Oranges or Apples? Neither plain…unless they are tangerines
118. Curly or Straight Hair? What I got? Curly. What I always wished for? Slightly less curly, but still curly.
117. Boys or Girls? For what????

Here's what I think about...
116. Abortion: Pro choice. Nuff said.
115. Bill Clinton: Good president, dumb man.
114. Pre-Marital Sex: If mature enough to handle it..go head…
113. Religion: *sighs* What is called religion today tends to be mainly a cover for prejudice. True religion…is wonderful, but do any of them exisist anymore?
112. Hanson: mmm-bop!
111. Homosexuality: What’s there to think about?
110. Classical Music: peaceful
109. Sadaam Hussein: Another power hungry dictator that will get people killed.
108. Adoption: Sign me up. Twice.
107. Love: Nothing can be said that hasn't been said before, and all of it is true.
106. Divorce: Sometimes needed, usually painful, I hope I never have one

The last time I ______ was...
105. Took a shower: This morning.
104. Watched Bambi: The whole movie? Never
103. Cried: Umm… a few days ago… for no reason.
102. Received snail mail: A real honest-to-goodness letter from a friend? Oh my….early this year.
101. Went on a date (Who was it?): About two weeks ago, Chef
100. Went to the movies: About a week ago, saw Charlie’s Angels
99. Kissed a member of the opposite sex: ummm….Saturday morning.
98. Spoke a foreign language: Friday…pretending to speak Spanish.
97. Went to a wedding: never
96. Got dressed up: hmmm….it’s been a while…
95. Grew: Stopped growing up around a year ago… constantly growing around .
94. Rode a horse: ohhh…never.
93. Exercised: Really? About a year…walked with enthusiasm? About two days ago.
92. Ate: Dinner...Last night. Steak and cheese sandwiches

More questions...
91. On a work day, I get up at...varies, between 5:45 and 7
90. The ditziest person I know is...Roz
89. The person who makes me laugh the most is...myself
88. Which celebrity or famous person are you in love with...Love? no of them.
87. One thing I am pissed about right now weight
86. Have you watched all the Star Wars movies? Yeah, but not in order and I couldn’t tell you the plots
85. For lunch I like...doesn’t really matter.
84. For supper I like...doesn’t really matter.
83. The last movie I saw in theatre was...Charlie’s Angels
82. The thing I notice first about the opposite sex is...eyes
81. One question that I want answered long can it last?
80. The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever received is...Maybe.
79. The best kisser is...ohhhh… Black..the first and the best, turned me OUT in the mall. .
78. This Christmas Break I...think I am going home…but I’m not sure
77. This Spring Break I...don’t ‘get’ one, but I might GIVE myself one.
76. This Summer Vacation I...see Spring Break
75. The biggest misconception about me is...that I'm not shy.
74. The thing that I'm looking forward to the most is...working for my photography.
73. The winter...icky and cold and stuff. I like SUMMER.
72. The better than winter…but not as good as SUMMER.
71. The hot hot hot, and sunny and lovely and thunderstormy and….just SUMMER
70. The fall...icky because it’s approaching winter..
69. People make a big deal out of this number because...they have dirty minds *wiggles eyebrows*
68. I want to go to college...been there, done that
67. People call my name
64. Are you offended by the existence of teenyboppers? No, as long as they stay away from me
63. Do you have a hard time waking up? Depends if I’m alone or not.
62. The person who knows the most about me is…possibly Papi…
61. The person who can read me the best mom. It’s scary.
59. Do you respect/fear/like your parents? I LOVE my mommy. The sperm donor is of no consequence to me.
58. I have the following siblings: Just me, myself and I.
57. My favourite people are...hmm…my friends at ‘home’
56. My zodiac sign is...Capricorn, stubborn and monetary as all get out.
55. The person I thought I was in love with was: JEH…ugh
54. What did you love about him/her? He was a friend.
53. The best date I ever went on was: *smiles* walking around the canal with Chef
52. The person I find myself spilling my guts to OD… for most things.
51. I wish...for money to never have to worry about bills, and enough love to never have to worry about loneliness.
49. The lie I tell the most often is... “I’m okay”
48. I have a job at...a pharmaceutical company
47. I have these pets...none…but I’m working on it
46. My favourite animal is...cats..
45. The worst sound in the world is...fingernails getting srrreeeccchhhhedd down a blackboard
44. The worst taste in the world is...sour milk *urgh!*
43. My favourite movies are...hmmm Dangerous Beauty is high up there....
40. The most interesting adult I Not sure….
39. My role models are...don’t have any…is that sad?
38. My favourite shoes soft and squishy semi-sneaks
37. The last time I got my picture taken...Friday at work
36. The last time I got money from a parent was...umm while my mom was here, I think.
35. My favourite country besides Canada is...who said Canada WAS my favourite? ....
34. My favourite state (other then my own) is...Georgia
33. My favourite city (other then my own) is...*sniff* Atlanta
32. My favourite body of water is...The Atlantic Ocean
31. If I could be a super hero, I'd be…Deanna Troi
30. If I could raid a celebrity's wardrobe, I'd choose...someone who wears my size.
29. The type of clothes I wear is...lots of long, flowing skirts, loose pants - relaxed but not sloppy.
26. The best age to be is...whatever age you are.
25. My ICQ contact list has...I have not been on ICQ for so long… I don’t even know
24. The best thing about today has been...not working yet
23. The worst thing about today so far has been...missing my bus to work and having to wait for 40 minutes in the cold!
22. My favourite stores are...the kind with GREAT discounts…or book stores…or both.
21. I am worried about...nothing nothing nothing
20. A secret I know about someone is...not something I would share.
19. My favourite pants Old Navy Jeans
18. My favourite shirt is...The soft and sexy teal green sweatery thing I have on
17. The TV Show I never miss is...*blushes* well…. Wrestling I guess.
16. I am a morning person/night owl...night owl.
15. If I had to get married tomorrow, and could pick any wife or husband, I'd marry...maybe Chef. Not sure.
14. An idea that makes sense to developing and exploiting renewable energy sources.
13. If I had to join the military, I'd be in the...RESERVES!
12. I plan/don't plan on registering for the draft...don’t want to, never will.
11. My worst habit is...leaving doors open and lights on
10. My favourite restaurant is...don’t have one
9. My favourite sport to play is...ewwww! sports??
8. My favourite sport to watch
7.If your nose itches it means...someone is coming to visit… I think.
6. My favourite clique is...The TRIO! .
5. The worst place to get an itch is...anywhere you can't scratch.
4. My favourite nickname for myself is...Jazzy
3. My favourite names are...Aishah, Jasmyn
2. What do you like most about life? Seeing beauty everywhere
1. Are you glad this survey is over? Yeah…but it was verrah fun.

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