Wednesday, December 4, 2002

The Concept of Conception

Continuing on my family kick -

Some point not too long ago (and it's REALLY sad that I can't remember exactly when) we were talking about his 21 yo brother - who currently has two little ones. Then we started talking about when we wanted to start trying to have kids. *gulp* I have an IUD - one of the five year ones. I got it in 2000, and so it's scheduled to come out June of 2005. I suggested that we ust wait until it's time for it come out, and then start having kids.

It was a most interesting conversation. I love him (and he loves me) for the fact that even when we don't necessarily agree with each other, we have so many of the same erratic lines of thinking, that with a few tweaks we can come to some agreement that thrills us both.

I've always been eagerly looking forward to the point when I was actually ready to start having kids. Funnily enough, having a husband wasn't high on my list of things I wanted to accomplish before the little ones arrived, but it's absolutely wonderful that I will have one - and he wants kids almost as much as I do.

Mentally - we know that we are both ready. We've stared the wonder, joy, and pain of having kids in the face, looked at it from every angle - and have accepted that while it's a scary and overwhelming thing beng a parent - we feel comfortable that we will do the best job we can...and we feel that job will be a pretty darn good one.

Emotionally - We're ready. I know that I have done a amazing amount of growing in the past two or three years, and so has he. *grins*  Us being together has helped in that a lot - my only child tendencies (selfish, loner, don't like to share... :) ) have been tamed  A LOT - I mean how can I NOT want to be with and share everything with the man I'm going to marry? So I found out that it's not as hard as I thought, and that when love is there - it makes it almost second nature.
He's grown a lot too - he's matured and is working, living, thinking about his future - our future - and isn't obsessed living fabulously today and worrying about tommorow when it gets here. We balance each other out so well it's sickening. :)

Financially - Eh. this is the main reason why we want to wait a few years. We know that children (at least for the first couple of years) are as expensive as you make them - for instance, why do parents buy their 1 month old clothing that costs more than 15-20 bucks? They are going to wear it once or twice and then grow out of it...*shakes head* what sense does that make? Esp. if they are seasonal specific clothing. And a 700 dollar CRIB?? That does not convert into a toddler bed or anything else...just a crib. *shakes head* 
So...we agreed that while children aren't THAT expensive - if I'm not working, we will like to have a nice little nest egg and have Corey working in a stable position...which he is creeping closer and closer too, but at this point we still have a couple of years to go.

So. It's interesting. Most days - I don't really think about the wedding itself much. I think more of what it means - what it symbolizes - what's going to shift into something solid to the rest of the world. It's so solid, and real and concrete to us - but that dang ceremony will make it real to the rst of the world - and oddly enough (considering that we usually could give a fat fig about what the rest of the world thinks) that matters.


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