Tuesday, April 25, 2000

Inanity. No...not InSanity.

I started reading my old diaries from 1990-1997 (on paper) and it is really sad & scary to see far I have come, and yet how much I am still in the same place. There are some facets of me that have not changed in the least… even though I have WANTED to change them since I was 13. That is sad. Re-reading them is scary as well because I see just how much.. chaos was going on in my life that I don’t even remember at this point. Friends having issues, men problems, all kinds of things. And it has also brought me down a couple of notches because as much as I would LIKE to claim that I was NEVER as dilly as some of the teenage girls who are on this site, I have the proof that I was that dilly and them some on paper. I may burn them if I ever get famous. : )
I have to make a budget so that I know how much of the money that E.L. (my new company) gave me I can spend on matters unrelated to the move. The first thing I need to figure out is how much it will cost to move my little bit of stuff to Indy. The Internet is really a wonderful tool. I can do so much on here with just a few types of my keyboard… letting my fingers truly do the walking. Even though there is also an enormous amount of trash on here… it is a wonderful ‘world’ as well.
Okay… I am really in entirely too much pain to try to write coherently right now (cramps are a MOTHER) so I will go and curl up in my warm bed and drink hot tea & eat banana’s. Hopefully I will get some work done. *laughs* yeah.. okay.
(really… I plan on forcing myself to write daily...even if it is just a piece of inane tripe like this is. )

Stay Jazzed.

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