Thursday, February 23, 2006


So. My boss quit. Yeah, her hubby got a good job in another city, and thus she is upping and leaving.

This is my jealous face.

What else? The weather is warming up, but I'm treating Mother Nature like the wanton tease that she is, and I'm not paying it ANY attention. Last year I think it was, one of my favorites wrote this WONDERFUL entry about Spring and Summer as if they were sisters. Fully Caffienated, maybe? I might go and rummage about her OD and see if I can find it. It was HILARIOUS.

Edit: I rummaged, but I couldn't find the one I'm thinking of - the only one I could find was this one: Coaxing Spring out of Bed. I'll have to leave her a note and see if she wrote another one.

I might actually have an assignment at work soon! Just - imagine! Something that takes all of my time to do. I really don't wanna sound *thinks* boastful - but I realize that I a large part of my problems with work are quite simply that I'm overqualified for what I'm doing. I could be doing SO much more STUFF - but that stuff just isn't part of this project. Or - at least not part of the part of the project that I'm on. So - I have to demonstrate some of that 'patience' stuff, and simply excel in whatever is given to me - no matter how dull and repetitive and just downright EASY it is.

I really should be working on my short story - but I still haven't figured out how to make it all tricksy like I want it to be. It's about an elf without power trying to get back at her evil, rude, uncouth ass boss - without losing her job. *shakes fist at Dallandrah* And I actually need to FINISH this one.

Lunch today was fabulous, I went out and brought four new books (with the money I had leftover from C's bday gift), three of which are the last three in the series I've been reading for like the past two weeks. The fourth one was the lastest Anita Blake book - I'm kinda upset at Laurel Hamilton though, because she knew damn well that it was a novella, but they are selling it as a full length novel. I'm sorry, but anytime there is an ENTIRE blank page (both sides) between each CHAPTER - you're padding the thickness of the book. And the book ain't even that danggone thick anyhow. *sigh* She's getting more into the sex and less into the gore, and I might have to just let this series go. Her later books have been written lazier and lazier.  

The Saga of Recluse though (that's the series I'm working my way through) it's like - 13 books? 11 books? some outrageous number like that - and they are really good. Next time I read the series, I'm actually going to read them in chronological order rather than published order - I think that will be even more fun.

Hah! This entry burned through about 45 minutes. Let's see what else I can get into to waste a lil time. ;)

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