Monday, February 20, 2006


I think I've pinpointed what's made me Ms.Little-Sour-Puss for the last few days - it's winter! Okay, that might not make much sense, considering it's what - February - but it's just started to get really cold and wintery. And me no likey cold and wintery. I get - grumpy. Hunched all in on myself, scowling at the whole worthless world. It clicked Thurday, I think it was, as I was driving home from work, merrily singing to myself. I was like - wow! I'm in an exceptionally good mood - and I realized it was because the weather was WARM. It felt like spring, and that made me happy. Of course, then the white crap had to grace us with it's presense, which made my determination to stay firmly locked up in the house all weekend EVER so much easier.

*glares at the outdoors*

Nasty, Nasty, Nasty stuff.

Some - person - in Nebraska won my PowerBall jackpot - damn him, her or them, as the case may be. But, patience. One of the virtues that I've never much cottoned to. *deep breaths*

I haen't been writing much, largely because I get sick of hearing myself whinge. Stop it! And it seems once I start writing, I only write about the things I'd like to complain about. Maybe it's because I don't complain anywhere else, but here. Really, I don't. If C does something that drives me batty (which he does, despite how little I really talk about him around here) we deal with it, muy pronto. Or, I get over it. But I don't complain. Other than that - life is really good. I'm healthy, I've got a lovely well paying job, the weather hasn't been half bad - I think I'm going to blame OD. When I come here, suddenly, the glass is half empty again.

Sometimes, I wish I was the praying type.  Not because I really think it would make a difference, just because I assume it makes you feel better to pray about things that you cannot change. Kinda dumping it in 'Father's' lap, but at least it's off of yours. And see, I don't believe that it would be shifting anywhere - not off of my lap, not onto anyone elses - just - left there, like the elephant in the corner that everyone else is supposed to clean up after.


At least my elephants are mine.

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