Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Holy Cow,

It's only WEDNESDAY?? Sheesh, this week is really dragging.

So, work - right? I write so much more at work than I EVER do when I'm at home, largely because well - at home I actually have ISH to do.

So - I think that yesterday I wrote about my explorations in the world of Thrift for wineglasses, and my utter failures thereof. However! Hope was seen on the horizon from William-Sonoma. Hah! I went, I browsed, I picked up a single (SINGLE) plain wine glass and noted the price tag of 7.99 (for ONE!) and fled to the Target across the parking lot, where I NOT ONLY got 12 (a full dozen, ya'll) wineglasses (plain, yes, but I was desparate by then) for 8.88. I only got one box, because it was the last box of 'general purpose' wine glasses, but now as I think of it, I'm kicking myself for not grabbing the box of red wine glasses as well. Dammit. Ah well, let's see how long it takes for us to go through twelve. And anything other than glass wine glasses are atravesty, so let's not even go there, hmmm??

Went to the interview (appointment?) with my DoulaMentor (hereby known as DM. Hm, AM) and it went - well, I think. I realized that I tend to be a very - exuberant - person, and AM is a lot more laid back - I think a lot of her laidbackness is the fact that she has three kids, a dog, a husband in school, and a little bit of the dreaded doula burnout. So - we shall see - I really didn't talk much, but I interjected a few things (mostly useful, I thought) and I think that it went well. I hope that it went well - AM is going to call them tonight and get some feedback for me. *crosses fingers*

Ah yes, I actaully started the entry meaning to talk about work - hah! Okay - I've got basically three things on my plate - the Access database that I can drag out for-EVER (well, not really, but I can easily squeeze another week out of it if I can jsut get this damn search function to work). Another, that I've mostly finished, but need some outside input on, because otherwise I'd just reallllly be doing busywork, and while I don't MIND busywork (I used to love folding brochures) I insist that it's actually USEFUL,  and a third thing that I can't start on until they rerelease the system to users - which isn't supposed to happen until tomorrow. My coworkers are involved in things - but honestly, sometimes I wonder. Is my workload REALLY that much lighter, or are they just dicking around 7/10ths of the time? Because good lord - the way these people moan and groan about ALLLLLLL the work they have to do - yet as soon as someone else volunteers to help them, it's all - No, I need to finish this - No, I'm almost done, - No, I've got in under control. GGRrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. And when I scope the room (going for water) I'd say at LEAST 7/10ths of the screens are on SOME non-work related webpage. And then - also, I think that they - are - well, anal? As well as WAY too volunteeristic, but then, I can be a biatch. Heh.
So, yeah, I just think that I'm a little faster, and a little more susceptible to being bored. *sigh* I can't believe I'm going to say this - but I miss my old job. At least the workload was ungodly there. I most certainly, however, do NOT miss living in Indiana. *shudder* *sigh* I seriously would have stayed with Lilly if they could have just gotten me the HELL out of Indiana. Really.

Hmmm... I think I'll go to the other thrift store for lunch....maybe I can score some more books. And I need a semi-attractive, neat, box type object to store my crafting stuff in. I leave in under the table in clear plastic boxes now, but I'm hoping for sumthin a lil purtier.

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