Tuesday, June 17, 2003


My entire office smells of burnt popcorn. My mind interpets the smell as over-grilled meat and/or burning paper. Odd, considering I know that what I'm smelling is nasty burnt popcorn, but my mouth is still watering at the scent of meat.
I've been strangely clumsy today - running into walls, dropping things that I have a perfectly firm grasp on, stumbling over non-exisistant bumps in the floor. I think I'm unbalanced by the fact that Corey is still here - he was most sick this weekend, and took two whole sick days off to rest up and heal himself. I find myself wanting to hurry home to be with him - simply to soak up his presence as I try to stay as far away from his infectious tail as I can. I wonder if it will be like this when he's back here - I hope not. I plan on having a least a wee bit of a life - even if it consists of nothing more than group outings and meetings and working out, and to feel guilty about not going straight home is rather silly - isn't it? I suppose when he's healthy and working I wouldn't feel so bad.
I'm considering going to a tanning salon this summer. I'm a bit piebald for a black girl, with light and dark patches all over me. From 5 to about 15 I never played outside with bare arms or legs, and I think that my body simply forgot that there should be jsut as much melanin there as there is on my face and hands. Over the years these oddly pale legs and shoulders of mine began to bother me more and more - and I figure why should I have to live with something that I don't like and I KNOW I can change. Of course, the simple brass ovaries it's going to take for me to walk INTO a tanning salon and have a calm conversation about starting a tanning regimen still have not dsplayed themselves, but at least I'm thinking about it. I figure that I'll get better results (as well as slightly safer) going to a salon rather than doing my usual route of laying out in the sun every weekend.
It's only 4:30 - I want to be out smiling in the sun, singing along with my mixCD, driving to the gym. *sigh*

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