Tuesday, January 4, 2005

Dammit, Janet!

So.....(I use that word a lot, not sure why - but anyway) I get back from the honeymoon (which was mostly not spent on a beach, as it was warm in Fl, but it wasn't THAT damn warm) and I clamber onto the scale. My clothes have been telling me this message for a while, but I was stubbornly ignoring it.

200. 200 freaking pounds (AGAIN!)

This time though - it's odd. I truly FEEL fat. When I weighed this much before - I think I felt better (or I didn't realize JUST how bad I felt) but now - UGH. I can FEEL the weight on me, and it feels kinda ick. So. (see - there I go again).
I don't  'do' resolutions - I just plan, and it just happens that I've gotten fed up (and I'm FINALLY about to stop traveling) at the first of the year.

I am still up in the air about whether I should start to change my eating habits now, considering I'm leaving the country for damn near a month - but thinking about it honestly, why shouldn't I still be able to eat right, another country or not? Yes - they make some of the most heavenly bloody bread ever, and yes, as it's going to be cold I MUST have fondue at least once - but that in no way means that I CAN'T start eating in a more conscious way.

So! Here are the rules of this game:

  1. Start each week with an entry - the entry will list my goals for this week, what I learned from last week, and my weight.

  2. Daily journaling - every bite I eat gets written down, even if I can't FitDay it right away, at least I'm keeping track of it (and keeping myself honest - cuz if I lie to me, what's the point?)

  3. Drink 128oz of water a day - I know that's going to be one of my goals the first three weeks, because THAT takes a while to get back into.

  4. Follow moderately strict Atkins (the original) with no more than three servings a week of food 'substitutes'.

  5. Exercise three days a week - one of my goals once I get back.

And that about sums it up. Sounds SOOOO damn simple, doesn't it? *sigh*

I'm going to start this week yesterday - since I'm thinking that a week should be Monday-Sunday kinda thing rather than a Sunday-Saturday. Not sure why, but it just 'feels' right.  So....another entry will pop up BEFORE this one. *thinks* Actually, it'll be after, but with an earlier date. I'm such a geeky nerd, I am.


and she's off!


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