Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Week 2: Jan 10 - Jan 16th

1) Drink 128oz of water a day
2) Get off on the third floor and walk up
3) Plan out an exercise plan

Lessons Learned:
1) Tight clothes are bad for your digestive system
2) Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder
3) McDonalds has WAY too many farking calories

Weight: Not sure - let's stick to 200, shall we?



Once again a day late - sheesh, maybe my week should start on Tuesday!

Anyhow -eating has been not too bad - I've managed to keep it under 2500 calories for the last week (still 1000 more than I actually NEED.....) and - *blinks* dammit, lost my train of thought.

Exercise - well, I love to walk, and that is one of the reasons that I really do enjoy Geneva - the culture (and the city) supports walking.  I went out last weekend and danced my happy little ass off - and didn't feel quite so much like crap the next day like I did over New Years - I think that my alcohol tolerance is slowly going down - most likely a side effect of all the carbs I'm eating, as I noticed that while I was on Atkins I could drink like a fish and sober up in half the time.

*laugh* Looking over my caloriecounter, I realize that I've eaten a different kind of ethnic food for dinner every day that I've been here....
Friday: Lebanesee fast food
Saturday: Indian
Sunday: Thai
Monday: Lebaneese proper food

Hah. Okay - I'm rambly now. Bleh - coffee makes me sleeeepppppy.

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