Friday, April 20, 2007



This is going to be a rager of a period, I can tell that now - it's ramping up FAST - from a small hint of what might be blood this morning, to full out blood and tiny cramps this afternoon - I suspect I'll need to dig my cup out and put it in as SOON as I get to DotM.


Oddly enough, I'm OKAY. Disappointed, but I think I know WHY we didn't catch this go around - my body wasn't ready to nest an egg - I bled for 26 days, spotted for 3, then ovulated 5 days later - and we all KNOW how slow my body moves - there most likely wasn't a scrap of lining in there that was viable enough for an egg to implant into. So. This cycle, down the drain *glugluglug*

I'm going to start taking my EPO again (need to grab the bottle out of my desk and take it with me), and I'm going to keep using the OPK's, and I'm going to keep temping, and - it's on to the next cycle!

So far, it looks like I O around CD28ish - so I'll start everyotherdaying the OPK's at CD20. Urm. I think that's about it. Whoo, this is going to be an INTENSE period, here. I need to swing by Family Dollar too - I'm going to grab an container for my blood - no WAY I'm throwing this away!


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