Wednesday, April 4, 2007



I haven't wanted to write, as I was afraid I would jinx myself, but finally, after - 27 days, I think it was, I've. Stopped. Bleeding.

I've gotten some ass twice, too - and enjoyed it, BOTH times. I took an OPK on Monday, and as I had been working outside all day, my pee was damn near brown, but I got a NICE dark line. We had sex that morning, and then again last night, so I think I'm covered.

I've started staying away from the areas other than my 'groups' on FF. I don't WANT to read about getting EWCM and not O'ing, or OPK's lying to people - I don't want to infect my mind with that sort of worry. So.

Hopefully, I'll get my coverlines in the next day or so, and then the 2WW is on! DotM is in 16 days - I could have a BFP by then! Actually, I'll think I'll wait til AFTER DotM, so I can be sloshy and shit if I want to.

*smiles* I love this point - the cusp of potential. I think there will be more sex tomorrow, and then..... the wait begins. Oh! I need to add another blinkie to my siggie over on CPP.... there aren't enough people trying to get knocked up over there!

I'm bubbly happy. Goddess. I hope TTC doesn't turn into an insane manic/depressive cycle for me.


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