Friday, April 6, 2001

Forgive Me, for I have slacked...

*sighs* I am SO bad. I feel vaguely guilty, and yet not guilty at all. I have been SO slacking on this class that I need to graduate. Now I understand the dangers of starting working BEFORE you have fully completed your degree. For slackers like me, that is an open invitation to just not do SHIT. I have missed one assignment so far, and the next one is due tomorrow (which naturally i haven’t TOUCHED yet), which means I have two long ass assignments to do, that I haven’t even started on *sighs* I don’t know why… I actually tend to forget about the damn class. Clearly net learning is NOT good for me. *sighs* So.. I’m taking to laptop home with me tonight, along with the disk drive so that I can save frequently… and I am going to get to work. There will be no traipsing off to Pier One tonight for me. And no cleaning either. At least not until this amazing feat of bullshit/creative writing/ learning curve is complete. Just me, the computer, the 80 something dollar text book that I have yet to open, and maybe some music. Working away. :)
I feel so much better having confessed. I’m almost looking forward to doing this. I’m usually pretty good at designing systems. And after the past 5 months, I’m DAMN good at testing them. And as this computer is a HELL of a lot faster than mine…it won’t be as nerve wracking to work on it. And as it’s a lap top, it’s also VERY mobile. *nods* *pumps herself up* Yeah Yeah YEAAAHHHHH!!!!!

Stay(ing) Jazzed.

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