Wednesday, April 4, 2001

All's Well....

Thank you everybody for the good wishes at the doctors…it went WONDERFUL. According to the doctor, there are 4 levels of severity for ‘abnormal cells’ with the lowest being 1 and the highest being 4. He said that my little patch of oddities was a ½. :) Not even a one. Ain’t that just lovely??? And we went over the whole birth control thing real quick… but as I was on the damn things for five years beforehand, there was very little that we touched on. :) I have to go back in about two months to get some pills and get a check-up PAP. Hopefully then everything will be clear and happy little cells. If that ‘odd’ patch is still there, he is gonna *shiver* FREEZE my cervix and hope that normal ones grow back. Is that or is that not the freakiest thing you have ever heard?? *shudders* I hope they go away on their own. I get old easy enough… I really don’t want any cold stuff in MY stuff….

Work has been pretty good today…keeping me busy and on the run. Transitioning to this new role shouldn’t leave me much time TO be bored. Like a said, the woman I’m learning from is really high strung, but god knows that makes for an interesting time. :) It’s kinda funny me dashing after her, as I am a notoriously slow walker and she…isn’t. :) But it’s actually kinda cool as I am LEARNING…praise the heavens.
I miss my Cheffy. *laughs* He actually went HOME last night, and thus I completely missed out on him. Though I thought I heard him come in last night… *sighs* but it was just dreamy me. I got plenty of sleep for once, as I went to sleep around 8:30pm. *sighs* It was wonderful…I actually woke up with my alarm clock at 6, and STILL went back to sleep… even though I didn’t really need to. I got out of bed at my usual hour of 7am…but I haven’t been sleepy ONCE today, even though I ate a sandwich and chips and soda for lunch. It’s kinda sad how much of a difference a little sleep makes.

Well… it’s taken me all day to write this one really short entry, and I would write more but I refuse to miss my bus and end up stuck here until 6. That just ain’t happening today.

Stay Jazzed….

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