Thursday, April 26, 2001


Jazzy’s Top Ten Slim Down Reasons

1) I’m tired of shopping in the fat girl ghetto of clothing stores
2) I want to be strong enough to be able to carry a couple of bags of groceries home without feeling like I am going to fall out
3) I want to be more can only bend your body in so many ways before the lovely rolls get in your way.
4) I want to be more proud of how I look
5) I want my self image of myself to translate into real life
6) I want to be healthier so I can do more…easier.
7) I want to be in shape so that when I DO have a baby, I will be the best incubator I can be.
8) I wanna wear sexy lingerie without worrying about looking like a parody of a sexy woman
9) I wanna be able to run for fun (or for my life) without feeling like I am going to fall out
10) I want to. For me. AND for the way others look at me AND the way I look at myself.

Motivation. Yes!

I had another dream/dream thought as I was falling asleep last night. It was me going somewhere (driving no less) in a lovely silver car. I stepped out and I was like the perfect version of myself (body wise), and I had there long lovely dark brown locs with brilliant red tips that came over my shoulders. It was summerish time and I was looking GOOD. I think that is going to be my dream/sleep/meditation image for a while. Me looking the way I want to look… doing my own thang.

Inspiration. YES!

My auntie died of colon cancer when I was about 8. I used to look just like her, but shorter. *LOL* I admired her greatly, and she was a wonderful woman…rather like who I want to be. If she had been smaller, the doctors would have been able to find the cancer before it metasized throughout her entire body. She lost almost 100 pounds before she died…and I would greatly prefer NOT going out like that. I want to live in my skin healthy and whole for a very long time.

Determination. YES!

What more do I need?

Stay Jazzed.

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