Monday, December 13, 2004


*le sigh*

Still pissed, but getting over it. ADT called C last night because the motion detector in the lounge of the restaurant went off, and they couldn't get in touch with anyone else.  *snicker*  May they get what they give, three times over. hah!

Got a check from my best friend paying me back for the Dominican trip. Me and C are having a very hard time being smart about the money, and are seriously considering blowing it all on a vacation over Xmas break - we could get a timeshare in Fl for 10 days, and if we could find a couple to share it with - that would so rock.

Didn't do a damn thing this weekend, except a lot of sleeping and sex. We finally finished putting the waterbed together, and slept on it the last few nights - very comfy.

Somehow I managed to get a long ass scratch going down the middle of my back, no clue how that happened. In general, I'm falling apart - my hair is a fine mess, I need a pedicure badly, my nails are roughly non-existant, and winterskin has fully set in.

The weather is weird as hell - one second it's snowing,the next second it's sunny, the next second it's snowing sideways AND sunny. I think that I'm handling the first snow of the year rather well - most likely because it's not sticking - and I have a car again. and you know what?  it's actually kinda pretty, but shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - I didn't say that.

What else? Tired! Have I mentioned that already? Damn, but I wanna sleep. I slept 16 hours Sat night - went to bed around midnight, got back up at 4pm, went to sleep at midnight again, and woke up at 7:45am this morning VERY grumpy. Gah. I don't know if this is just a reallllly bad case of the winter doldrums or what - or some severe PMS, as that's usually the only time I get really tired like this. *sigh*

And I've got three hours straight of meetings. nooooo.....

*thumps head on desk*

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