Monday, December 20, 2004

Winding Down

One major thing that I love, love, love about working for this company is that they have their end of the year shutdown. I'm not sure if this is standard amoung most MFG companies (esp since they include us corporate drones in it) but damn - it so rocks.  From Christmas Eve, until the first Monday of the New Year - we're off. Mandatory, practically.  And it's WONDERFUL. So - I'm going to behere today, and I'm going to be here for most of tomorrow (note the MOST in there) and then - I'm done! Done! Done!

And I'll be off to a whirlwind of a honeymoon - I've been checking the weather, and it's supposed to get up to 74! SEVENTY-FOUR! In DECEMBER! *drools*  I'm so excited I could spit. Haven't packed,but at least all of our clothes are clean after the domesticity spurt that we went through Sunday. I need to put a hold on our mail - andI've already got the dried catfood for the creatures while we're gone. Hmm.... I'm worried about my work plant though - I need to figure out a way to keep it watered for the next two weeks.

Hmm.....what else? I'm getting my mind in gear to start losing weight again. I've CERTAINLY packed the pounds back on as I noticed when I tiptoed onto the scale last week. EEK! So. Yes. Must start acting like I'm interested again.  Hm.... my goal - at least until the end of the year - is to just note down everything that I eat - get an idea of my average intake.  After the new year, I'm cutting out everything except water, diet soda, and alcohol. Heh. After February, I'm going BACK on Induction (eeewwww) and starting on Atkins again. The only reason I'm waiting til Feb is because I'm going to be in GVA for a month, and shhhheeee - not even trying. Nope, nope. So- I've started a new chapter - I just forget shit so easily.




Okay - I'm empty now.

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