Thursday, December 9, 2004


I'm never having kids.

Ya know why?

Because of the whole two full time job thing, and the fact that my husband works in the least fucking stable industry EVER.

He got fired. again. DAMMIT.

And - *sigh* the main reason they USED to fire him?

MY fucking holiday party.

Let me lay it out for you.

I call, a week ahead of time to set things up with Do. I tell him - between 30 and 50 people, and we iron out the wrinkles on the menu. Can we choose any appetizer? Sure. Can we choose any soup or salad? Sure. And we are limited to the following entrees: :blahblahblah, right? That's correct. For the veggie options - can we choose any pasta? Sure thing! And can we add one other veggie option? Sure! Will there be an upcharge? Nope!

Call him on the 3rd, to confirm that our party of FORTY-THREE is still coming, and that it's okay for me to print out menus with full descriptions on them to bring with us. Sure - no problem.

We get there Tuesday - and SOMEHOW the message was - a party of 20 (TWENTY????) with TWO preselected apps, ONE soup, ONE salad, and NONE of the veggie entree options on the pre-printed menu that is on our table (singular)  

C had been TOLD a party of twenty was coming - with the limited menu, and that's what he prepared for the night before. He had come in on Monday - his day off, because him and his second had switched nights so C could go to the Pacers game. For a party of just twenty people - he didn't NEED to be there.

I run around frantically, trying to get things in the state that Do and I had AGREED to on Friday, and BUSILY mentally kicking myself because me (the get-it-on-paper-QUEEN) had no real paper trail.

The meal and the party as a whole were FABULOUS. We took up most of a room, and ate,drank, and were very, very merry. Ended up spending close to 2500 - on one of their VERY SLOW nights.

C goes to work the next morning, and they fire him for the delightful reason of  'since you weren't here last night, that means that you don't really care about the restaurant, and you can't be trusted to run the kitchen properly.'

If he had known that it was going to be a party of 50 instead of the TWENTY he was told, he would have been there.  If he had been told that we were going to chose from all of the apps/soups,  he would have been there.  If they had CALLED him when they realized how big our party actually was, he would have been there.

But no, they wait until the next day, and just fire him. The fuck? And - what PISSES me off even more, is that it was MY fucking party - or maybe I feel a little guilty. I DID say that he should go to the game. I COULD have run everything past him about the party beforehand....I SHOULD have gotten a record of what Do and I agreed to.

But I didn't. And they used that as an excuse to fire him. And we live in a fucking no-contest (or whatever the legal term for it is) state, which means they can fire you for any reason what so ever, and you just have to bend over and take it.



And I'm just so damn tired - I hate money. Really. I hate being so tightly fucking bound to it that my whole mood & life are dictated by how unprecarious our already negative net worth hangs on a daily basis.

And - the part that sucks the most is I TOLD him that Da (the main owner) was going to screw him over. I told him that before he even TOOK the job - I honestly wanted him to just drop the whole project.

And I'm even MORE pissed that I brought well over 2K worth of business their way, and they turn around and FUCK my husband over like that -and use MY FUCKING PARTY as the reason. 

Oh. Ohhhhh. I wanna do something to them soooo badly. I know it's bad to illwish them, but I hope the fucking building burns down - no injuries, but I want them fucked.

And not in a good way.


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