Friday, December 17, 2004

oohh...this might be bad

I've been having a bit of a rough time transitioning to having C home alllll the time. I love him dearly, and love being with/around him - but him being home means that I have no alone time.

I get up - take a shower, drive to work - ten minutes of just me - but it's not soo good, cuz I've just woke up. I work all day with people - interacting and so forth - then drive home - another 10 minutes of blessed aloneness. And that's IT.

And I realized today - as I was outside for a fresh air break - that the reason it drives me SO batty is that I have a hard time thinking - at least semideep me to me thinking - when I'm NOT alone. And that thinking - it keeps me - calm and connected.

But! What happens when we have kids? Alone time, from what I've gathered from other parents - is just GONE, except for when the other parent takes the children away for a while. Will I be able to think with a baby around? Or a toddler? Eep! And if I can't think - good lord, I WILL go crazy.

But - my beloved hubby is here to take me to lunch - so more later.


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